Oscar Chajes

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Oscar Chajes (born December 14, 1873 in Brody , Galicia , † February 28, 1928 in New York ) was an American chess player .

Oscar Chajes came from a Jewish family in Austria-Hungary . In 1909 he won the US Open in Excelsior , Minnesota . In 1910 he reached 2nd place in Chicago , and in 1911 3rd and 4th place. in the New York tournament. In Karlsbad ( Richard Teichmann won) he won tournament prizes for his victories over Savielly Tartakower and Julius Perlis . In 1913 he took 3rd place in New York and 4th / 5th. Place in another tournament in New York. In 1913 he finished 4th / 5th. Place in Havana .

In 1914, Chajes took second place in New York. (The reigning world champion Emanuel Lasker won.) In 1916 he took 3rd place in New York. (The winner was the next world champion, José Raúl Capablanca .)

In the next few years Chajes played in numerous other tournaments with mostly only moderate success. In 1918 he played a tournament against Dawid Janowski (1918 in New York) and u. a. in Karlsbad, 1923.

After calculating the historical Elo number , he was in January 1919 in tenth place in the world rankings. Its highest historical rating was 2660 in January 1920.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Oscar Chajes on chessmetrics.com (English)