Oscar Schellbach

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Oscar Schellbach

Oscar (Felix Arno) Schellbach (born July 16, 1901 in Halle (Saale) ; † May 20, 1970 in Baden-Baden ) was a German teacher of life and the founder of mental positivism .


After Oscar Schellbach had moved to Hamburg , he founded the “School of Success” institute there in 1921 . In 1925 he wrote the screenplay, and directed, the documentary Fraudulent Media from Vera-Filmwerke . In 1925 he also brought out a weekly newspaper , the “Schellbach-Presse” with a maximum weekly circulation of up to half a million copies. Encouraged by the great success, he wrote the book "My Success System", the first edition of which he published in 1927. In the following year he brought out the record series Seelephonie , which was one of the first speech records in the German language. In 1935, Schellbach was arrested by the National Socialists , but soon released. At the end of the 1930s, he designed the distance learning courseOratory from A to Z”, which was one of the first systematic and detailed rhetoric works to be widely used. Breathing techniques, vocal exercises and good pronunciation were part of the course, but basically it was a complete concept for personality development.


In essence, Schellbach developed Mental Positivism , a theory of life that is based on 16 spiritual principles (so-called laws of thought) and represents the first type of methodical-systematic life support in the German-speaking area. At that time, his teaching found widespread use. In Schellbach's concept, vowel breathing plays an important role both to improve rhetorical skills and as a means of personality development, because he recommends its daily use. Schellbach also recommended so-called self-mastery or self-influencing ( autosuggestion ) and was one of the first representatives of mental training . Schellbach's remarks on raising children , especially the XVI. Chapter “Basic rules of positive child-rearing” in his book “My Success System” can be assigned to reform pedagogy . The Austrian ski trainer Baldur Preiml states that he brought about the rise of Austria to the number one ski jumping nation in 1975 , making significant use of Schellbach's teaching.


The German successful and personality trainer Nikolaus B. Enkelmann was head of the Oscar Schellbach Institute for several years and is strongly influenced by Schellbach's approach, which he modified and further developed.

Since Schellbach's death, his son Hans-Jürgen Schellbach has tried to continue his father's life's work.


So you have to form and model inwardly and very consciously create the idea , the archetype of what is to become. "(On autosuggestion.)
Since everyone striving forwards must attach importance to coming into their own through speaking, the development of the voice through vowel breathing is of the greatest importance. "
Whoever loves his children must be inspired by the belief that they contain all the good qualities that he wants to awaken through his example and his positive behavior. Without this belief, the best method of education loses its power. "
Be the way you want your child to be! Consider the suggestive power of the example! "

Publications (selection)

  • My success system. The positive life in theory and practice , (1st edition: 1929) 32nd edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1995, ISBN 3-7626-0469-X .
  • Seven times the art of living. Living happier through the power of positive thinking , 4th edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1987, ISBN 3-7626-0258-1 .
  • Workshop of the soul , Hamburg 1930.


Web links

Single receipts

  1. See Wolfgang Heller:  SCHELLBACH, Oscar (Felix Arno). In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 9, Bautz, Herzberg 1995, ISBN 3-88309-058-1 , Sp. 99-103.
  2. Cf. Oscar Schellbach: My system of success. The positive life in theory and practice , 31st edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, p. 42ff., 53.
  3. Cf. Oscar Schellbach: My system of success. The positive life in theory and practice , 31st edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, pp. 385-429.
  4. Oscar Schellbach: My system of success. The positive life in theory and practice , 31st edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, p. 60.
  5. Oscar Schellbach: My system of success. The positive life in theory and practice , 31st edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, p. 43.
  6. Oscar Schellbach: My system of success. The positive life in theory and practice , 31st edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, p. 389.
  7. Oscar Schellbach: My system of success. The positive life in theory and practice , 31st edition, Freiburg im Breisgau 1993, p. 390.