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Coat of arms is missing
Osersk (Ukraine)
Basic data
Oblast : Rivne Oblast
Rajon : Dubrovitsia district
Height : 145 m
Area : 0.64 km²
Residents : 614 (2001)
Population density : 959 inhabitants per km²
Postcodes : 34121
Area code : +380 3658
Geographic location : 51 ° 43 '  N , 26 ° 25'  E Coordinates: 51 ° 43 '18 "  N , 26 ° 25' 7"  E
KOATUU : 5621883903
Administrative structure : 2 villages
Mayor : Lyudmyla Petrowytsch (May 2015)
Address: вул. Центральна 14
34121 с. Лісове
Statistical information
Osersk (Rivne Oblast)

Osersk (Ukrainian and Russian Озерськ ; Polish Oziersk or Jeziersk ) is a village in Dubrowyzja Raion of western Ukraine in Rivne Oblast .


The small town is located about 20 kilometers northwest of the Rajon capital Dubrowyzja and 123 kilometers northeast of the Oblast capital Rivne in the middle of a forest area on Lake Oserske , the border with Belarus runs about 10 kilometers north. Together with the village of Lissowe (Лісове) it forms the district council of Lissowe.


The village was mentioned in writing for the first time in 1577 and was part of the aristocratic republic of Poland-Lithuania in the Voivodeship of Volyn until 1795 . Then it came to the newly founded Volhynia Governorate as part of the Russian Empire . After the end of the First World War the place became part of the Second Polish Republic ( Voivodeship Polesien , Powiat Stolin, Gmina Wysock), after the outbreak of the Second World War the area was occupied by the Soviet Union and from 1941 by Germany . In 1945 it finally came to the Soviet Union and was incorporated into the Ukrainian SSR , in 1991 it finally became part of today's Ukraine.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rizzi Zannoni, Część Pułnocna Woiewodztw Wołińskiego y Kiiowskiego. Powiat Piński, w Litwie Południowey .; 1772 ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.mapywig.org