Oskar Seibt

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Oskar Seibt (* 1883 in Maffersdorf ; † 1949 in Dresden ) was a Sudeten German conductor and composer.

After attending school, Seibt took private music lessons and then attended the conservatory in Leipzig . In 1896 he took a position as a conductor in Brno , later he worked as such in Olomouc and Vienna until he took part in the First World War from 1914 to 1918. In the newly founded Czechoslovakia , he settled in the city of Gablonz . This is where his most important work, the Isergebirglers Heimatlied , was written in 1922 , in short: Isergebirgslied . In 1924 Seibt became the first choir master in the German Choir Association. In 1929 he composed the three-act operetta Der Ozeanflieger , which was premiered in Gablonz.

After being expelled from the Sudetenland in 1945, he settled in the Saxon state capital Dresden, where he died three years later.
