Ott Arder

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Ott Arder 2004. Photo: Jaak Urmet .

Ott Arder (born February 26, 1950 in Tallinn , † June 26, 2004 in Kassari ) was an Estonian poet , children's book author and translator .


Ott Arder went to school in Rakvere and did an external Abitur in Tallinn. 1970–1971 he studied library science at the Tallinn Pedagogical Institute . At the same time he was employed in various positions. He has been a freelance writer since 1974, but only became a member of the Estonian Writers' Union in 1990.

Ott Arder was found dead on June 26, 2004 on the beach at Kassari.

Ott Arder's grave in the cemetery in Tallinn
Photo: Ave Maria Mõistlik, May 6, 2012

Ott Arder's younger brother was the musician Jaan Arder . His father Arpád Arder (1922–1995) was a Baptist preacher and grandson of the Estonian statesman Jaan Poska .


Arder made his debut in 1973 with a short story in Noorus magazine and then published in various magazines. His first book was published in 1980. His books are characterized by lively language, humorous elements and numerous word games. Many of his books are illustrated by Priit Pärn . Arder also wrote many lyrics for rock bands.


Children's books and volumes of poetry

  • Boomerang ('Boomerang'. Illustrated by Priit Pärn, Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1980. 52 p.)
  • Üks kõiksus ('One Universe'. Poems, Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1982. 56 pp.)
  • Koer poiss sõitis jänest ('Der Lausebube went black'. Illustrated by Priit Pärn, Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1980. 43 p.)
  • Mine metsa ('Go into the forest'. Illustrated by Priit Pärn, Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1986. 29 pages)
  • Tasakaalukeeled ('Equilibrium Languages '. Poems. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1988. 63 pp.)
  • Valge raamat ('The White Book'. Illustrated by Priit Pärn, Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1989. 46 pages)
  • Potsatus ('Plumps'. Illustrated by Priit Pärn, Tallinn: Vagabund 1993. 48 pages)
  • (together with Leonhard Lapin ) Pisike ruut ja sihvakas sirge ('The small square and the slim straight line'. Tallinn: Vagabund 1996. 37 pp.)
  • Tehetolgus. Tahme (d) tolmus ('Letter boobies . Letters in the dust'. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2001. 32 + 32 pp.)
  • Metsapoolne (' Forest side'. Poems. Tallinn: Tänapäev 2002. 45 p.)
  • Puupeatus ('Tree Stop'. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2003. 57 pp.)
  • Luule sünnib kus sünnib kui sünnib ('Poetry arises where it arises, when it arises'. Selection of poems, compiled by Leelo Tungal . Tallinn: Tänaüäev 2006. 301 pp.)
  • Igavene eesel ('The Eternal Donkey'. Illustrated by Henno Käo . Tallinn: Uus Media 1996. 31 pages)


  • Uluro Ado : Juko jutud ('Jukus stories'. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1978. 37 pp.)
  • Carl Michael Bellman : Fredmani epistlid & laulud ('Fredmans Episteln & Lieder', together with mati Sirkel . Tallinn: Kunst 1993. 135 p.)
  • Viktor Krivulin : Viimane raamat ('The Last Book'. Tallinn: Umara 1996. 46 pp.)
  • Wenedikt Erofejew : Moskva-Petuški (' The trip to Petuschki . Tallinn: Tänapäev 2000. 139 p.)
  • Kari Hotakainen : Lasteraamat ('Children's Book'. Tallinn: Tänapäev 2001. 127 pp.)
  • Venedikt Erofejev : Psühhopaadi märkmed ('Notes of a Psychopath' (only the poems). 2001)
  • Vladimir Sorokin : Sinine pekk ('Blauer Speck' (poems only). Tallinn: Hotger 2002. 311 pp.)

Web links


  • Vladislav Koržets: Mõni sõna sõber Oti ja luuletaja Ott Arderi surma puhul. In: Keel ja Kirjandus 10/2004, pp. 798–791.
  • Leonhard Lapin: Ott Arderi lahkumine. In: Looming 11/2008, pp. 1697-1703.
  • Cornelius Hasselblatt : I loved an Estonian. Autobiographical Forays. Husum: ihleo 2012, pp. 188-189.