Otto Autrum

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Otto Wilhelm Autrum (born November 29, 1877 in Möhringen , Pomerania ; † September 12, 1944 in Wandlitz , Niederbarnim district ) was a German lawyer in the postal administration. He was president of the Imperial Post Office in Königsberg.


At the Fürstin-Hedwig-Schule in Neustettin he passed the final examination in 1897. He completed an apprenticeship at the Deutsche Reichspost . In 1905 he passed the higher postal administration examination and was appointed postal director in 1919 and postal councilor in 1924. In 1930 Otto Autrum was promoted to the position of Oberpostrat and Ministerialrat in the Reich Postal Ministry. After the seizure of power by the National Socialists Otto was autrum head of the regional directorate Konigsberg . At the same time he became a member of the Gaustabes East Prussia of the NSDAP. A little later, he was appointed President of the Imperial Post Office in Königsberg in East Prussia. Otto Autrum was chairman of the East Prussian Honorary Council of the Office for Officials of the NSDAP Gauleitung. He was killed during the Allied bombing raid on Wandlitz on the night of September 12-13, 1944. Hansjochem Autrum , a zoologist specializing in sensory and nerve physiology, was his son.


Individual evidence

  1. Death register of the Wandlitz registry office No. 98/1944.
  2. Herrmann AL Degener : Who is it? Berlin 1935, p. 43.