Otto Gauweiler

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Otto Gauweiler (born April 25, 1910 in Gommersheim ; † 1969 ) was a German lawyer and civil servant .


The lawyer Otto Gauweiler worked at the Neustadt an der Weinstrasse district court . Since 1929 a member of the NSDAP , after the seizure of power from 1934 in the administration of the party and from 1937 was Reichsamtsleiter in the Reichsrechtsamt of the NSDAP. In addition, as senior division manager, he was head of the legal training office. Otto Gauweiler received his doctorate in Munich in 1939 with a thesis on Nazi legal policy. jur. PhD . His dissertation, Legal Institutions and Legal Tasks of the Movement , published by Eher-Verlag , was included in the list of literature to be segregated in the Soviet Zone in 1946 .

During the German occupation of Poland , from November 1939 to January 1941, he was in charge of the internal department of the Warsaw district in the so-called Generalgouvernement . Together with Friedrich Gollert he wrote propaganda pamphlets , a. a. to wind up Polish ministries in Warsaw and to build up the German administration in the occupied country. In 1940 Otto Gauweiler was the deputy head of the Warsaw district in charge of walling the ghetto . Gauweiler fell out of favor under the Governor General Hans Frank in 1940 and took part in the German-Soviet War , demoted to private . After being injured in the war, in April 1942 he was employed as a councilor at the attorney general in Hamburg and from 1944 at the Munich district office.

After the war he was a lawyer in Munich .

Otto Gauweiler was the brother of Helmut Gauweiler and the father of Peter Gauweiler .

Publications (selection)

  • From lawyer to legal guardian , in: German Law 1938, pp. 318–321.
  • Legal institutions and legal tasks of the overall movement: Inaugural dissertation to obtain a doctorate from the law faculty of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Munich, Central Publishing House of the NSDAP., Franz Eher Nachf., 1939.
  • Reports of the Internal Administration Department in the Office of the Chief of the Warsaw District - General Government for the Occupied Polish Territories , Warsaw 1940.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d The persecution and murder of European Jews by National Socialist Germany 1933–1945 : Poland September 1939 - July 1941. Volume 4. Ed. By Klaus-Peter Friedrich. 2011, p. 436, fn. 4
  2. ^ Felix Berth: Story with Gauweiler. Wehrmacht crimes can also be found in Bavarian history books. A research and an addendum on dealing with the Wehrmacht exhibition . In: The daily newspaper . March 36. Berlin 1997, p. 17 .
  3. ^ List of literature to be sorted out 1946
  4. Stephan Lehnstaedt: occupation in the east. Everyday occupation in Warsaw and Minsk. 1939-1944 , ISBN 978-3-486-59592-5 , Oldenbourg, Munich 2010, p. 64
  5. Götz Aly : Race and Class. Research on the German essence . S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2003, ISBN 3-10-000419-1 , p. 122 .
  6. Markus Krischer, Robert Vernier: Wehrmacht exhibition warning of "Figure 26" . In: Focus . Issue 16, April 14th. Hamburg 1997, p. 42-45 ( online ).