Konrad Zitelmann (administrative lawyer)

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Otto Konrad Zitelmann (pseudonym: Konrad Ernst ) (born September 30, 1814 in Stettin ; † May 7, 1889 ibid) was a German administrative lawyer and writer .


Konrad Zitelmann was the son of the judiciary, notary and general landscape syndic in Stettin Zitelmann. He attended the Marienstiftsgymnasium in Stettin. After graduating from high school, he studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg , the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität , the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin . In Heidelberg he became Renonce of the Corps Saxo-Borussia . In 1834 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Bonn , in 1835 of the Corps Vandalia Rostock .

After completing his studies, he was an assessor at the General Commission in Berlin, Stargard and Stettin. After four years as commissioner of the general commission in Stargard, he became a councilor in Stettin. In 1857 he resigned from the civil service and became director of the Germania insurance company he founded in Stettin. In 1862 he returned to the civil service. In 1881 he was retired. In addition to his official duties, Zitelmann was active as a writer. He published under the pseudonym Konrad Ernst .

Zitelmann was married to Ida Edwine von der Marwitz . The marriage produced eight children, including the writer Katharina Zitelmann and the lawyer Ernst Zitelmann . The writer Konrad Telmann was his nephew.



  • North German peasant stories. 2nd edition, 1854
  • The pastor of Buchendorf. Roman, 1857
  • Images from the world of officials. 1859
  • Otto the Great. Oratorio (composed by Karl Adolf Lorenz ), 1877


  • GG Winkel : Biographical corps album of Borussia in Bonn 1821–1928 . Aschaffenburg 1928.
  • Ludwig Julius Fränkel:  Zitelmann, Konrad . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 45, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1900, pp. 361-368. (Biography of nephew, evidences the family relationships and the scriptures)

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 19 , 97.
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 119 , 334
  3. Eckhard Wendt: Stettiner Lebensbilder (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania . Series V, Volume 40). Böhlau, Köln / Weimar / Wien 2004, ISBN 3-412-09404-8 , p. 403 (in the article about Katharina Zitelmann).