Otto Martin Julius Koenig

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Otto Martin Julius Koenig (born May 12, 1881 in Vienna ; † September 13, 1955 there ) was a pedagogue, scientist and writer from Austria. He married Mathilde Hruby and was the father of the behavioral scientist Otto Koenig .

life and work

After attending elementary school and the Landes-Real- und Obergymnasium in Stockerau, Otto Koenig graduated from the humanistic state grammar school in Vienna in 1901 and studied at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Vienna from 1901 to 1905 . After completing his studies, Otto Koenig was, among other things, a teacher at the Wiener Arbeiter-Bildungsanstalten and a permanent employee of the social democratically oriented Wiener Arbeiter-Zeitung , 1913/14 head of the features section of the social democratically oriented Dresdner Volkszeitung .

During the First World War he served as a lieutenant or first lieutenant in various functions. The father's military functions made it possible that the family was able to follow the father several times (Graz, Zagreb) and apparently lived in Slavonia for a long time from 1916 directly on the Sava . Only at the end of the war did the family return to Klosterneuburg together “in a cattle wagon”. According to Otto Koenig's account, the family moved back to Dresden in the spring of 1919 , where the father continued his service with the Dresdner Volkszeitung .

But on May 1, 1919, he was called back to the Wiener Arbeiter-Zeitung. In the time that followed, Otto Koenig, who was very knowledgeable about ancient languages, literary and history, often held events at various Viennese educational institutions, in particular at the Volksheim Ottakring adult education center and at various workers' training institutions. In addition to his professional work, he also published a large number of articles, brochures and books.

In 1933 he became a member of the Association of Socialist Writers . In February 1934 he lost his job and all functions. After 1945 he returned to the Arbeiter-Zeitung as an editor, wrote for the feature pages and theater reviews.


  • Appreciation award from the City of Vienna for popular education (1947) and the Medal of Honor from the City of Vienna (1951).
  • The cooperative building at Thaliastraße 78 in Vienna, 16., was named after him, and a plaque in the VHS house in Ottakring commemorates his work.


  • History of the past. 1924
  • People and powers. 1947


  • Kurt Mündl: Starting with people: Otto Koenig in conversation with Kurt Mündl. J and V, Vienna, 1991, ISBN 978-3-224-17652-2 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificates in the school history collection of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. See Mündl: Beginning with humans , p. 41.
  2. a b c d Brief overview of Otto Koenig's (senior) life . Archive Otto Koenig, Klosterneuburg.
  3. ^ Mündl: Beginning with humans , p. 9.
  4. Mündl: Beginning with humans , p. 10.
  5. ^ Mündl: Beginning with humans , p. 11.
  6. Kurt Berger: Otto Koenig 70 years: Description of a life path. In: Matreier Talks. Otto Koenig 70 years old (= cultural studies contributions to behavioral research). Ueberreuter, Vienna, 1984, ISBN 978-3-8000-9022-8 , pp. 11-16, here p. 11.