Otto Schellong

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Otto Schellong (1902)

Karl Johann Otto Schellong (born May 13, 1858 in Löbau in West Prussia , † February 13, 1945 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a German doctor in Königsberg. He became known as an anthropologist, ethnologist and linguist among the Papuans.


Schellong was the eldest son of superintendent Louis Schellong, who in 1848 had saved the Corps Masovia from the liberal-conservative split. After graduating from the Royal Lyck High School , Otto Schellong studied medicine at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In the summer semester of 1879, he became the sixth member of his family to be active in his father's corps. To the Dr. med. after receiving his doctorate , he became an assistant doctor at the University Women's Clinic in Königsberg . He then worked as an assistant to Robert Koch for half a year to prepare for a job as a colonial doctor for the New Guinea Compagnie (NGC) . During this time he made contact with Rudolf Virchow , who was very interested in ethnological studies. In October 1885, Schellong was the first German doctor to visit Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land in Papua New Guinea . With the Papuans he carried out medical and ethnological studies, which he published mainly in magazines. His list of publications includes 75 publications. Schellong was the first to investigate the music of New Guinea . Since he did not have a phonograph for sound recordings with him, he had his subjects recite the same song several times and tried to make transcriptions . From 1890 on he worked as a doctor in Königsberg, where he was particularly committed to the Association for Scientific Medicine . For his scientific achievements he became a go. Medical Council appointed. A son of Schellong served in the Navy and wanted to bring his parents out of East Prussia on his ship. Since the 86-year-old Schellong was seriously ill and no longer wanted to flee from the Red Army , he and his wife decided to commit suicide by poison. Bernhard Pawelcik had been his last visitor the evening before.


After Schellong is the cape Schellong in Bismarck Archipelago named ( Cape Schellong, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea , coordinates: 5 ° 20 '13 "  S , 149 ° 54' 7"  O ).

Blood brotherhood


With the chief Makiri he formed blood brotherhood. While Makiri also gave all of his male descendants names from the Schellong family, the male descendants of Schellong received the name Makiri as their second or third name. Among other things, this concerned:


  • The malaria diseases with special consideration of tropical climatic aspects . Julius Springer, Berlin 1890 ( [PDF]).
  • Old documents from the South Seas. On the history of the establishment of a colony. Experienced and native studies . Gräfe and Unzer , Königsberg i.Pr. 1934 ( ).
  • Diary entries 1885–1888.


  • Otto Schellong on his 60th birthday . Koenigsberg Week, Koenigsberg May 16, 1918.

Web links

Commons : Otto Schellong  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
Wikisource: Otto Schellong  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 87/742
  2. H. Lippold, H.-H. Müller-Dieckert: Memory of Otto Schellong . Corpszeitung der Altmärker-Masuren 65, Kiel 1979, pp. 1682–1684.
  3. after Hubertus Schellong