Otto Schneid

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Otto Schneid (born January 30, 1900 in Jablunkau , Austria-Hungary ; died 1974 in Toronto ) was an Austrian-Israeli art historian and artist.


Otto Schneid was a son of Jakob Schneid, a court chief official in the Jablunkau judicial district , and Miriam Goldschmidt, he had two siblings. When Austria-Hungary dissolved in 1918, the family moved back to Vienna. His mother was murdered in Auschwitz concentration camp in 1943 .

Schneid graduated from high school in Bielitz in 1918 and began studying medicine in Vienna, which he soon broke off. Instead he studied art history, oriental studies and philosophy in Vienna and Paris and received his doctorate in 1926 with a dissertation on East Asian art under Josef Strzygowski . Schneid was only able to have the dissertation printed in 1934. Schneid was a self-taught artist and worked in Vienna as a freelance painter, sculptor, art historian and writer.

Between 1936 and 1938 he stayed in Vilnius , Poland. There, in cooperation with the Yidisher visnshaftlekher institut (YIVO), he built the foundation for a museum of contemporary Jewish art. The art collection and his manuscript "The Jews and Art" were lost in the course of the racist persecution after the annexation of Austria . Schneid was arrested and, after his release in 1939, was able to flee to Palestine on a visa from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem . In 1945 he married Miriam Goldschmidt, who was born in Minsk in 1924, and they had two children.

In 1946, Schneid published a book in Tel Aviv about the frescoes in the synagogue of Dura Europos . From 1947 on he was professor of architecture and art history at the Technion in Haifa and was also artistically active as a painter and sculptor. From 1960 he lived as a freelance artist and writer in the USA, from 1963 in Canada.

Fonts (selection)

  • In the last hour…. An unemployed man's ideas . Munich: self-published, 1930
  • Amédée Ozenfant , the painter of purism . In: Der Cicerone, 22 (1930), pages 250-254
  • Moses Applebaum , obituary, in: Menorah. Vienna: Habrith, 1931, H. 5-6, P. 272
  • The Chinese foreground image. The flowering of religious animal and plant painting in East Asia . Vienna, 1934
  • The Biblical Frescoes of Dura-Europos . Tel-Aviv, 1946
  • ha-Tanakh bi-temumot Rembrandt [The Bible in the Pictures of Rembrandt] (Hebrew). Tel-Aviv, 1947
  • Omanut yavan ha-klasit [The Classical Greek Sculpture] (Hebrew). Jerusalem, 1948
  • Else Lasker-Schueler: a commemorative speech on the occasion of her 100th birthday by Werner Kraft . Tel Aviv: German Library, 1969
  • The Man-made Hell: a Search for Rescue . Toronto: Source Books, 1970
  • The late poem. New poems 1967–1969 . Toronto: Source Books, 1970
  • The Book of Ruth . With twelve facsimile plates after original drawings. Toronto: Source Books, 1971


  • Schneid, Otto , in: Ulrike Wendland: Biographical manual of German-speaking art historians in exile. Life and work of the scientists persecuted and expelled under National Socialism . Munich: Saur, 1999, ISBN 3-598-11339-0 , pp. 620f.
  • Schneid, Otto , in: Werner Röder; Herbert A. Strauss (Ed.): International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigrés 1933–1945 . Volume 2.2. Munich: Saur, 1983 ISBN 3-598-10089-2 , p. 1042
  • Gabriel Preil: Otto Schneid: verso un'arte umana . Folder. Florence: Alinari, no year
  • EC Prins: On Otto Schneid and Human Art . Hollywood, 1962
  • André Banach, Arthur Secunda: Artist of All times. Otto Schneid . Toronto: Cascone, 1965
  • Who is who in art . 14th edition

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