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Coat of arms of Płoskinia
Płoskinia (Poland)
Basic data
State : Poland
Voivodeship : Warmia-Masuria
Powiat : Braniewo
Geographic location : 54 ° 16 '  N , 19 ° 56'  E Coordinates: 54 ° 16 '10 "  N , 19 ° 56' 18"  E
Residents : 407 ()
Postal code : 14-526
Telephone code : (+48) 55
License plate : NBR
Gminatype: Rural community
Gmina structure: 26 villages
14 school offices
Surface: 172.05 km²
Residents: 2503
(Jun. 30, 2019)
Population density : 15 inhabitants / km²
Community number  ( GUS ): 2802062
Administration (as of 2006)
Mayor : Zbigniew Andrzej Kowalski
Address: Płoskinia 8
14-526 Płoskinia

Płoskinia ( German : Plaßwich ) is a village in the Braniewski powiat in the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship in Poland . It is also the seat of the rural community of the same name .


Płoskinia is located about 37 km east of Elbląg .


From 1975 to 1998 the village belonged to the Elbląg Voivodeship .


The village of Chruściel has a train station on the Malbork – Braniewo railway, which is now only operated by freight .

local community


The municipality has an area of ​​172.05 km². 63% of the municipal area is used for agriculture, 27% is covered with forest.


The rural community of Płoskinia includes 14 Sołectwos ( Schulzenämter ) ( German names until 1945 ):

  • Chruściel ( Tiedmannsdorf )
  • Dąbrowa ( Schöndamerau )
  • Długobór ( Langwalde )
  • Jarzębiec ( Schönau )
  • Lubnowo ( Liebenau )
  • Łozy ( Klingenberg )
  • Pielgrzymowo ( Pilgramsdorf )
  • Pierzchały ( Pettelkau )
  • Płoskinia ( Plaßwich )
  • Podlechy ( Podlechen )
  • Robuzy ( Rawusen )
  • Strubno ( Straubendorf )
  • Tolkowiec ( Bormanshof , 1938–1945: Bormannshof )
  • Wysoka Braniewska ( Hogendorf )

Other localities in the municipality are:

  • Bliżewo ( Blieshöfen )
  • Czosnowo ( Knobloch )
  • Demity ( Demuth )
  • Długobór-Osada
  • Giedyle ( Gedilgen )
  • Łojewo ( Lauenhof )
  • Płoskinia-Kolonia
  • Pierławki ( Parlack )
  • Piórkowo ( Födersdorf )
  • Stygajny ( stigmas )
  • Szalmia ( Schalmey )
  • Trąbki ( Little Tromp )

Sons and daughters of the church

  • Heinrich Eberts (Forester) (1883–1979), Ministerial Director, university lecturer in Eberswalde and Hannoversch Münden
  • Anton Fehlau (born March 6, 1923 in Pilgramsdorf, † October 10, 2019 in Kaufbeuren ), combatant and author

Web links

Commons : Gmina Płoskinia  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. mapa.szukacz.pl (Polish, accessed February 9, 2013)
  2. population. Size and Structure by Territorial Division. As of June 30, 2019. Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) (PDF files; 0.99 MiB), accessed December 24, 2019 .
  3. Dz.U. 1975 no 17 poz. 92 (Polish) (PDF; 802 kB)
  4. regioset.pl (pl / en)
  5. GDP (Polish, accessed February 9, 2013)
  6. The Genealogical Place Directory