PV Frankonia in Baden-Baden in 1877

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The school connection Frankonia 1877 to Baden-Baden is a school connection at Baden-Baden schools. It is not limited to grammar schools, but accepts students from all secondary schools in the spa town. It is one of a total of nine member associations in the Baden Pennäler Cartel.

Full coat of arms of the PV Frankonia


Although the Frankonia chose December 28, 1877 as its founding date, according to oral tradition, the so-called "Urfrankonia" existed as early as 1856, which was founded by Rastatt and Baden-Baden students. This original Frankonia did not last long. It was suspended again in 1875. Two former "Urfrankonen" met on December 22nd, 1877 in a pub in what was then Baden-Lichtenthal (today Lichtental ) to establish a connection with the name PV Guestphalia and the colors green-white-black 1877 can be traced back to the fact that the first Stiftungsfestkommers was held on that day at the Old Castle in Baden-Baden. Very little remains of the times of the PV Guestphalia in today's Frankonia well hidden and so they have been lost over the years, and couleur has also not been preserved.

PV Guestphalia had to cease active operations at the end of 1904. The only other Pennäler connection in Baden-Baden, PV Alemannia, profited from the short-term monopoly it created. In the years of the existence of the PV Frankonia there were repeated attempts to revive further student connections in the spa town, but all other attempts failed.

On March 25, 1906, the two uncorporated high school students Kurt-Roman Müller and Josef Ludwig met in the restaurant "Sonne" in Baden-Oos . They had made it their mission to revive Primary Guestphalia or Urfrankonia. The Baden-Baden Teutons Fritz Früh, Emil Garczarek, Albert Meyer and Johann Rudinger came to their aid. So the six gentlemen, who are today the renovation boys of Frankonia, decided to revive the PV Guestphalia under the new name PV Frankonia and the boy colors red-white-green, as they are still worn today. The foxes only wear the colors red and white. At the following convention four more members could be accepted. In the following years the number of members increased again and sport became an important common leisure activity. Frankonia founded the renowned TC Rot-Weiß Baden-Baden, which is still the largest and oldest tennis club in Baden-Baden and is even one of the oldest tennis clubs in Germany. It was subject to the jurisdiction of the PV Frankonia convents until after the First World War . Sport also played an important role in the further course of Franconia's history. In the winter semester 1930/1931 the table tennis club "TTC Grün-Weiß Baden-Baden" was founded by an old man and in the post-war period of the Second World War they built their own tennis court around the second tennis club "TC Grün-Weiß Baden-Baden" To call life. Both tennis clubs that were founded later split from the connection, Grün-Weiß even used a foundation date in 1964, after they separated from Frankonia in 1963.

In 1912 the Baden state parliament met and decided to take vigorous action against corporations. Frankonia acted immediately and convened for the extraordinary corp day, which was attended by two representatives of the PV Alemannia. It was decided to take precautionary measures, which meant hiding pub utensils and storing important documents with individual old men . However, the decision of the state parliament was never implemented. Nonetheless, the prime for the federal government was over for the time being. There were internal differences of opinion and the high schools took massive action against the Frankonia. The weakly staffed Aktivitas hardly had a chance to defend itself. The consequence was many resignations, which is why a crisis convention was convened. Opinions about the continuation of the connection differed there. Individuals called for an immediate suspension, but those who advocated its continuation could decide the debate in their favor. Since there was only one active person left, some old men had to be reactivated to keep the batches occupied. A small upturn was evident.

When the First World War began in 1914, many Franks were called up and fell in the war. What was remarkable is that those who stayed at home successfully managed to maintain the communal life at home. For example, the 38th foundation festival was celebrated in a small group at Christmas 1915 with around 15 federal brothers .

The First World War had meant the end for many clubs, but not that of Frankonia. The first post-war event was held on January 4, 1919 at the “Schwarzwaldhof” convention, and federal life began to revive. Regular pubs, regulars' tables, Fuxen hours and conventions were held again. Talks with the PV Absolvia, which was founded in Baden-Baden during the war, about its integration into Frankonia failed, however, and ultimately led to the 'graduates' joining the PV Alemannia, which made it 40 active members.

After several changes of the regular locations in Baden-Baden, the 50th foundation festival was celebrated extensively over several days and in the following years there was a constancy and calm that had never been experienced in the fifty years before. This may also be due to the monopoly position of PV Frankonia resulting from the inactivation of PV Alemannia.

In the following years, primarily the AHV (old gentlemen's association) was strengthened, which previously did not exist because most of the members were still active. A friar sat at the head of its formation and leadership. He formulated the AHV as the “core of corporate life” and for many years had decisive tasks in shaping the new senior citizens' association.

One of the last major events before the approaching Second World War was the 56th Foundation Festival on December 23, 1933. The pressure of the National Socialists on the Pennäler connections increased and so the PV Alemannia had to be suspended in 1934. On November 3, 1935, a convention of 36 francs met, which almost unanimously approved a resolution that meant the suspension of Aktivitas and the renaming of the AHV as "Kameradschaft Frankonia". So you came Gleichschaltung by the Nazis before. This suspension of Aktivitas was carried out in the context of a highly official meeting on January 25, 1936, during which the couleur ribbons were removed in a festive act. This was followed by only sporadic events which mostly loose round tables were. The last event before the war was actually the 60th Foundation Festival in 1937 in the Kurhaus Baden-Baden . After that, most of the francs were collected. 16 died, many returned war-injured, others were taken prisoner.

The first meeting of Frankonia after the Second World War took place on October 2, 1948 in the form of a "post-war meeting". Soon afterwards they met more regularly and a “national meeting” was organized for the 72nd foundation festival. On May 7, 1950, 37 francs met for a “renovation convention”. They drew the sad balance that the war had brought with it: deceased and imprisoned federal brothers were remembered and a new board was elected. This achieved that ten pupils actively reported to Frankonia at the first pub on December 25, 1950. The 75th Foundation Festival became one of the largest in the entire history of Frankonia. The highlight of the festivities was the foundation ball on September 13, 1952 in the Kurhaus, which was attended by 260 federal and color brothers and guests.

After a dry spell that resulted from an activity that consisted of only one school class, which after graduating from high school, went to study abroad almost entirely, better years followed thanks to the efforts of individual inactive boys. After failed attempts to found a cartel with a Düsseldorf Pennalie, five old men from PV Frankonia zu Baden-Baden and three old men from PV Teutonia zu Rastatt met in Baden-Baden on November 6, 1972 to bring together Baden school corporations in the form of a cartel to discuss. On January 27, 1973, members of seven Badische Pennälerverbindungen met in the "Bock" in Baden-Baden to debate the project in a larger plenum. After some back and forth, the Pennäler Kartell Baden was founded on June 30, 1973 with a high official Kommers at the old castle.

Another highlight in the history of PV Frankonia 1877 in Baden-Baden was the 100th foundation festival from October 27, 1977 to November 1, 1977. A festival committee set about planning the big event, which will be a festival worthy of the occasion should.

As a result, it was again neglected to inspire new athletes. Former people moved to other cities in the republic and so soon after the 110th foundation festival, which was still celebrated with large fireworks, the pub came to a standstill.

This diaspora lasted until October 5, 2017, when the Markgraf-Ludwig-Gymnasium celebrated its 125th anniversary. Present at the party: the senior and the Consenior of Frankonia in Couleur, which gave two former graduates the opportunity to speak to them. After some exchange, one former student and three students at MLG agreed to attend the convention planned for the following day in the “Prager Stuben”. On November 17, 2017, the first regulars' table took place in the same restaurant and the four guests returned with friends, which led to the fact that the Fuxenband was awarded seven times on that day, which enabled another Aktivitas to be re-established.

As a result, the 140th foundation festival was "celebrated" in January 2018 and the new foxes were officially accepted. In the following years, Aktivitas continued to grow and is currently able to organize day-to-day business largely independently.


At PV Frankonia, couleur is understood to mean all items of clothing that are worn to liaison events.

The most important color object is the ribbon. Every fraternity member receives the Fuxenband, which has the colors red and white. From your boyhood on you get the ribbon with all the colors of the connection, red, white and green. Both bands have a silver percussion.

The Frankonia has three different forms of head couleurs. The most common type is the lady's hat, which is red and wears the three lad colors. These caps are mostly worn by the active, i.e. the younger members, and on more official occasions. After inactivation, which is usually related to the beginning of studies or training, one is legitimized to wear a so-called tönchen (also known as a beer barrel). This is also in the colors red, white and green and is mostly worn by the old gentlemen or the Philistines. In the middle of the barrel is the circle . Those charged who are in charge of an event wear so-called Cerevise , which also have the colors of Frankonia, a circle is embroidered here too.

Couleur of PV Frankonia (Kommersbuch, Tönnchen, band and commentary)

The PV Frankonia Zipfel also runs. These silver pendants are attached to the so-called Zipfelbund, which in turn is attached to the waistband or belt. You swap such a corner with federal or cartel brothers with whom you have a particularly good relationship. All corners that are exchanged at Frankonia are silver and adorned with the boys' colors. A distinction is made between Bierzipfeln , Weinzipfeln and Sektzipfeln. Each fraternity wears a beer tip on his waistband, which he receives from his personal boy. This is longer and wider than the tip of a vine that can be exchanged with special federal brothers on special occasions. In theory, champagne tips can be worn by women, although this has rarely happened in the recent history of Frankonia.

In addition, the PV Frankonia counts all connection property that is used in pubs to its color. Examples include basket rackets, Kommers books and flags as well as other decorative items.


The Baden-Baden School Association is a member of the Baden Pennälerkartel (PKB). It is one of nine member associations and the only one from Baden-Baden.

connection Boy colors PKB entry
PV Alemannia 1886 to Lahr Blue - gold - red 1985
PV Badenia 1979 in Freiburg Yellow - red - yellow 1984
PV Bund 1895 in Bruchsal Red - silver - light blue 1973 (founding association)
PV Frankonia in Baden-Baden in 1877 Red - white - green 1973 (founding association)
PV Germania 1919 at Rastatt Black - gold - red 1973 (founding association)
PV Markomannia 1824 in Rastatt Green - white - black 1980
PV Rhenania-Fidelitas 1991 in Karlsruhe Wine red - white - light blue 2006
PV Teutonia 1842 at Rastatt Red - white - green 1973 (founding association)
PV Vicinia 1921 in Karlsruhe Violet - white - gold 1986

From 1981 to November 2007 the Offenburg student association PV Arminia zu Offenburg was also part of the PKB, which then left.

Known members

  • Friedrich Paulus (entry not cleared - 1951, German army officer)
  • Manfred Dietrich (since 1954, tropical medicine specialist)
  • Joachim Knöpfel (since 1967, lawyer, longtime SPD city councilor in Baden-Baden city council)
  • Tilo Andus (since 1975, medical director at the Stuttgart Clinic )
  • Peter Löw (since 1977, German entrepreneur)
  • Joerg Helge Wagner (since 1979, Head of Politics at Weser-Kurier )


  • The Pennäler connection Frankonia to Baden-Baden 1877–1977, Frankonia's own chronicle, 1977
  • Rolf Gustav Haebler: History of the city and the spa town of Baden-Baden , second volume, 1st edition, printed and published by Dr. Willy Schmidt, Baden-Baden, 1969
  • 100 Years of Hohenbaden High School 1876–1976 (Festschrift), Koelblruck, Baden-Baden, 1976
  • Helmut Steigelmann: The Teutonia Schoolboy Connection 1842 - a contribution to the history of the high school and the city of Rastatt , printed by Streckel & Co. KG, Rastatt, 1958
  • Oskar Waas: The Pennalie - a contribution to its history . Aula Verlag, Graz, 1967
  • Aquae 2018, contributions to the history of the city and the spa town of Baden-Baden; Issue 51

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l PV Frankonia (ed.): The Pennäler connection Frankonia to Baden-Baden 1877–1977 (college) . Baden-Baden 1977.
  2. a b website of the PKB. Retrieved November 26, 2019 .
  3. ^ History of the PV Arminia in Offenburg. Retrieved November 26, 2019 .
  4. ^ List of members of the PV Frankonia .

Web links