Pani Loriga

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Location in the west of Sulcis Park

Pani Loriga is a Phoenician - Punic fortification discovered in Sardinia in 1965 . It is located west of Santadi on a 100 m high table mountain in the province of Sud Sardegna . It has been partially excavated since its discovery, most recently in 2007. A number of Domus de Janas and the remains of the Diana Nuraghe , whose main tower was converted into a modern fortification, testify to previous settlement in the Copper and Bronze Ages .

The 230 × 50 m large acropolis was within a circular wall. Another ran at the foot of Table Mountain. The overall complex includes a sanctuary ( Tofet ), residential quarters, casemates, some Punic rock chamber tombs with dromoi and a Phoenician necropolis with around 150 graves (mostly cremation burials in pits) from the 7th to 6th centuries. v. With Phoenician, Etruscan and Ionic ceramics , silver jewelry , scarabs , amulets and iron weapons as additions. One of the silver pendant shows, according to Brigitte Quillard instead of bottles Idols between uraei a schematic scarab. The fortress, like the larger and more completely excavated garrison on Monte Sirai, was built as early as the 7th century BC. BC to protect the hinterland of the Phoenician cities Sulki (Sant 'Antioco), Nora , and the surrounding mines.

A visit to the excavation site is only possible after registering with the municipal administration in Santadi.

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Coordinates: 39 ° 5 ′ 20 ″  N , 8 ° 41 ′ 28 ″  E