Paolo Nestler

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Paolo Nestler (born July 4, 1920 in Bergamo , Italy ; † April 6, 2010 ) was an architect, spatial planner and designer.

Paolo Nestler studied from 1945 to 1948 in Milan and at the Technical University of Munich . In 1949 he opened his own architecture office in Munich. From 1959 to 1985 he was professor for interior design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich . In the years immediately before and during the student unrest, from 1965 to 1969, he was President of the Academy. From 1968 he was also a member of the Academy of the Arts in Berlin , section architecture.

Nestler was responsible for the design of numerous ice cream parlors in the 1950s, underground structures in Munich and the Großhadern Clinic . In the mid-1970s he developed the color palette of the Audi 100 C2, which was built from 1976 to 1982 , for Audi NSU .

Nestler last lived in Berg on Lake Starnberg.


Works (selection)


  • Katja Sebald: He gave the subway stations their face . Münchner Merkur No. 89, April 19, 2010, p. 10.