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Paraulopus nigripinnis

Paraulopus nigripinnis

Overcohort : Clupeocephala
Cohort : Euteleosteomorpha
Sub-cohort : Neoteleostei
Order : Lizardfish (Aulopiformes)
Family : Paraulopidae
Genre : Paraulopus
Scientific name of the  family
Sato & Nakabo , 2002
Scientific name of the  genus
Sato & Nakabo, 2002

The Paraulopus ( Gr .: para = side of, aulos = flute) is a genus of lizard fish relatives (Aulopiformes). They occur in the Indian Ocean and in the western Pacific from Japan and the Hawaii-Emperor chain to Australia and New Zealand and live mainly on the shelf of the continents and islands at depths of 40 to 600 meters.


Paraulopus species are 8.5 to 35 centimeters long. Your dorsal fin is supported from ten to eleven, the anal fin from eight to eleven, the pectoral fins from 13 to 20 and the pelvic fins supported by nine rays . Paraulopus species have 40 to 52 pored scales along the fully developed lateral line organ and 39 to 46 vertebrae .


The species of the genus were counted to the green eyes ( Chlorophthalmus ) until 2002 . The new genus Paraulopus and the family Paraulopidae were established on the basis of six apomorphies , in particular features of the gill arch , the ossification between the muscle segments ( bones ), the caudal fin skeleton and the pelvic girdle .


In the genus comprising eleven species, two groups of species can be distinguished: the Paraulopus oblongus group , which includes seven species that remain small, and the Paraulopus nigripinnis group, which includes three large, up to 35 centimeters long species that live near New Zealand and off the coast of the living southwestern Australia.


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