Paris Pişmiş

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Paris Maria Pişmiş (originally Mari Sukiasyan ( Armenian Մարի Սուքիասյան ); born January 30, 1911 in Constantinople ( Ottoman Empire ); † August 1, 1999 in Mexico City ) was an astronomer of Armenian descent.

She worked in Mexico from 1940 until her death. Paris Pişmiş was the first woman to graduate from Istanbul University's science faculty and study astronomy at Harvard. 24 star clusters have been named after her (also abbreviated as Pis ) - Pismis 1 to Pismis 24 . She made these discoveries from 1959 on Schmidt plates that had been recorded at the Tonantzintla Observatory (near Puebla ), whose Schmidt telescope she used for her observations. The star cluster Pismis 6 , also known as NGC 2645 , was first discovered by John Herschel in 1834 .

In addition, Paris Pişmiş recognized independently of Sawyer Hogg in 1959 that NGC 6380 ( Pismis 25 ) is a globular cluster and in the same year discovered the globular cluster Pismis 26 , both also known as Tonantzintla 1 and 2 (tone 1, tone 2).


  • Paris Piş̦miş̦, Gabriel Cruz-Gonzalez: Reminiscences in the Life of Paris Pişmiş: A Woman Astronomer. Mexico, DF: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Astronomía, 1998, ISBN 968-36-6449-0 [1]
  • Silvia Torres-Peimbert: Paris Pişmiş, 1911–1999. In: Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society , 31, 1999, pp. 1607-1608, ( online )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. SIMBAD: 1959BOTT .... 2r..37P
  2. SEDS: NGC 6380, Tonantzintla 1
  3. SEDS: Tonantzintla 2 (tone 2) Pismis 26