General election in Catalonia 2012

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2010General election in Catalonia 20122015
(Share of votes in%)
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Gains and losses
compared to 2010
 % p
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Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
i Blank ballot papers
A total of 135 seats

The election for the regional parliament of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia took place on November 25, 2012. It has elected the members of the 10th legislative period since the creation of the Autonomous Community after the end of the Franco dictatorship .

Early end of the previous legislative period

The regional parliament of the IX. The legislative period was elected on November 28, 2010 . The legislative period would have ended normally in autumn 2014. In the IX. In the legislative period, the bourgeois-Catalan Convergència i Unió (CiU) established a minority government (62 of 135 MPs) with Artur Mas as Prime Minister.

The legislative period was marked by the economic crisis and the significant increase in the financial deficit of the budget of the Autonomous Community. Against this background, the Catalan government demanded a special financial status ( pacto fiscal ) from the central government in Madrid , similar to that in the Basque Country and Navarre (cf. financial relations between the state and the autonomous communities ).

The Estelada - the flag of independence advocates at the Arc de Triomf in Barcelona on September 11, 2012

On September 11th, 2012, the national holiday of Catalonia , a demonstration of the independence movement took place in Barcelona under the motto “Catalunya nou Estat d'Europa” (Catalonia, a new state of Europe). The influx significantly exceeded expectations. The number of participants (depending on the source) was between 600,000 and 2 million (i.e. between 8 and 25% of the region's total population). The next day, Prime Minister Artur Mas made an official statement that the time had come to provide Catalonia with “state structures”.

In the general debate on his government's policy on September 25, 2012, Mas announced in the regional parliament that new elections would be scheduled for November 25, 2012. He justified this with the extraordinary situation that arose with the mass demonstration of September 11th and the refusal of the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy ( PP ) to enter into negotiations on the pacto fiscal . In this debate, the regional parliament adopted a resolution with 84 votes (CiU, ICV , EUiA , ERC and two Catalan nationalist groups and a member of the PSC ), 21 against (PP and Ciutadans ) and 25 abstentions (the remaining MPs of the PSC) which says:

"El Parlament de Catalunya constata la necessitat que el poble de Catalunya pugui determinar lliurement i democràticament el seu futur col·lectiu i insta el govern a fer una consulta prioritàriament dins la pròxima legislatura."

"The Parliament of Catalonia states the need for the people of Catalonia to decide freely and democratically about their collective future and calls on the government to hold a referendum on this, preferably in the next legislative period."

- Parliamentary resolution of September 27, 2012

Election campaign

According to the prehistory, the election campaign was strongly influenced by the topic of Catalonia's future relationship with Spain : The ERC openly advocated independence from Spain, while the CiU avoided the use of the term “independence” in its election manifesto, but of its “own” State “ spoke within the framework of the European Union . The PSC, on the other hand, advocated remaining with Spain and transforming it into a federal state , while the PP wanted to keep the current autonomy regulations.

Electoral system

The regional parliament of Catalonia has 135 members. These are elected in four constituencies (the provinces): 85 in the Barcelona constituency , 17 in the Girona constituency , 15 in the Lleida constituency and 18 in the Tarragona constituency . The allocation of mandates takes place in the D'Hondt procedure at electoral district level, whereby only parties are considered that have achieved at least three percent of the votes in the respective constituency. 5,413,510 people were entitled to vote, 155,923 of them citizens of Catalonia who live abroad.

Election results

Distribution of seats after the 2012 election - arrangement of the parties according to the classic left-right scheme

The election had an extraordinarily high turnout of 69.6% (compared to 58.8% in the 2010 election).

Distribution of seats after the 2012 election - arrangement of the parties according to their position on the question of independence / referendum: CUP / ERC: independence after referendum; CiU: "own state in Europe" after referendum; ICV-EUiA: affirmation of the right to self-determination and the referendum; PSC: state; PP / C's: opponents of independence and referendum
Election results by municipalities and comarcas:
Left card :
Majorities according to municipalities.

Right card :
Relative majorities according to comarca and distribution of seats in each of the 4 provinces.
  • CiU claims
  • CiU gained
  • ERC claims
  • ERC gained
  • PSC claims
  • PSC gained
  • PP gained
  • ICV-EUiA gained
  • CUP won
  • CiU
  • ERC
  • PSC
  • PSC (less> 5%)
  • PP
  • ICV
  • C's
  • CUP

  • The CiU was again the strongest force, but fell far short of its own expectations and even recorded the worst result in regional elections since 1984. Another loser was the PSC with its worst election result since 1980.

    The ERC (doubling the number of seats compared to 2010) and Ciutadans (tripling the number of seats) emerged as winners. The PP and ICV-EUiA also won votes.

    While Solidaritat Catalana per la Independència (SI), which started in 2010 with Joan Laporta as its figurehead, left parliament, the CUP, which was previously only represented at the municipal level and for the first time also competed in regional elections, was able to immediately have three MPs move into parliament.

    The number of seats in the Catalan parties (CiU, ERC, SI and CUP) fell by two seats compared to 2010 (from 76 to 74).

    Those parties that had approved the resolution to hold a referendum on the future of Catalonia in parliament in September 2012 received 87 seats (CiU, ERC and ICV-EUiA, including the newly elected CUP, which also supports a referendum and supports the independence of Catalonia). The parties that rejected the resolution in September 2012 (PP and Ciutadans) are now represented by 28 MPs.

    The proponents of a referendum still have a large majority of the MPs, but were only able to gain one seat compared to 2010 (CiU, ERC, ICV-EUiA and SI). The opponents gained seven seats and the PSC, which had largely abstained in September 2012, lost eight seats.

    The official final result in detail:

    Parties be right Votes in%
    (change) 6
    Convergència i Unió (CiU) 1,116,259 30.70% −7.73% 50 7 −12
    Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC-PSOE) 1 524,707 14.43% −3.95% 20th −8
    Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya - Catalunya Sí (ERC-CAT SÍ) 3 498.124 13.70% + 6.70% 21st +11
    Partit Popular (PP) 471,681 12.97% + 0.60% 19th +1
    Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds - Esquerra Unida i Alternativa (ICV-EUiA) 2 359.705 9.89% + 2.52% 13 +3
    Ciutadans (C's) 275.007 7.56% + 4.17% 9 +6
    Candidatura d'Unitat Popular -Alternativa d'Esquerres (CUP-AE) 5 126,435 3.47% + 3.47% 3 +3
    Solidarity Catalana per la Independència (SI) 4 46,838 1.28% −2.01% 0 −4
    Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) 14,614 0.40% + 0.23% 0 =
    Other 148.902 4.14% 0 =
    Abstentions 52,898 1.46% 6
    All in all 100.0% 135
    1PSC is the Catalan "sister party" of the all-Spanish social democratic PSOE .
    2Electoral alliance from ICV and EUiA. The latter is the Catalan division of the Pan-Spanish Left Party IU .
    3 Electoral alliance of ERC and Catalunya Sí.
    4th An electoral alliance made up of several smaller parties campaigning for Catalonia's independence: Solidaritat per la Independència, Partit Republicà Català, Els Verds-Alternativa Verda, Partit Socialista d'Alliberament Nacional, Catalunya Nació Independència, Catalunya Acció and Bloc Sobiranista Català.
    5Election alliance of the Catalan nationalist left-wing parties Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (CUP) and Poble Actiu
    6thAbstentions ( votos en blanco or vots en blanc ) count as valid votes according to Spanish and Catalan electoral law (unlike e.g. blank ballot papers in Germany). The voting share of the parties in percent is therefore usually given in Spain based on the total number of valid votes (including abstentions).
    7th 39 CDC and 11 UDC.

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ Resolució 742 / IX del Parlament de Catalunya, sobre l'orientació política general del Govern. (PDF; 699 kB) Parliament of Catalonia, October 2, 2012, accessed on November 14, 2012 (Catalan).
    2. Arranca la campaña con el debate soberanista como eje central. In: El País. Retrieved November 9, 2012 (Spanish).
    3. ^ Independence movement in Catalonia: "We are more like Germany than Spain"., October 31, 2012, archived from the original on November 2, 2012 ; Retrieved November 2, 2012 .
    4. Elecciones al Parlamento de Cataluña del 25 de noviembre de 2012. (PDF; 30 kB) Instituto Nacional de Estadística, October 8, 2012, accessed on October 12, 2012 (Spanish).

    Web links

    Commons : General Election in Catalonia 2012  - Collection of images, videos and audio files