Parliamentary elections in Pakistan 1977

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The parliamentary elections in Pakistan in 1977 took place on March 7, 1977. The members of the National Assembly and the Senate were elected. The 1977 parliamentary elections were the second in Pakistan's history and the first since Bangladesh gained independence .

Motive and election campaign

The parliamentary elections were held earlier than expected. The elections were expected to take place in the second half of 1977. In January 1977, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto announced in a speech on state television that the elections would be held earlier than planned. He began his election campaign shortly after the speech. The Pakistani Electoral Commission set the deadline for submitting nominations to be April 22–24. January 1977. Bhutto began issuing tickets to his party members and encouraged the participation of large landowners and influential politicians in the elections. Bhutto campaigned for his party across the country and promised far-reaching reforms. The response to his campaign appearances was particularly overwhelming in Sindh and Punjab . Bhutto wanted to make it more difficult for the opposition to prepare for the elections by means of the early elections.

The Pakistan National Alliance (PNA) became a problem for the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP). The PNA attracted attention during the election campaign through attacks on the PPP. The actual election campaign faded into the background. The Pakistan National Alliance accused the PPP of corruption , financial mismanagement, high administrative expenses and poor economic policies.


The Pakistani Electoral Commission announced that 38,099,052 voters had been registered. The Commission found the polling stations throughout Pakistan total of 255 returning officers are available. Surprisingly, the PPP secured a qualified majority in parliament. She managed to get 155 of the 200 seats. The 155 seats include 19 seats allocated to the PPP due to the boycott of the PNA in Balochistan .


The Pakistani Electoral Commission announced that the PPP had won 155 of the 200 seats in parliament . The Pakistan National Alliance secured 36 seats in parliament and 8 seats in each of the provincial governments. The PNA did not win mandates in industrial cities like Lahore .

Individual evidence

  1. General Elections 1977. In: June 1, 2003, accessed March 10, 2012 .
  2. General Elections 1977
  3. ^ Ian Talbot: Pakistan, a Modern History . St. Martin's Press, NY 1998, pp. 240–1: "The reality seems to be that a certain PPP victory was inflated by malpractice committed by local officials, which may have affected 30–40 seats."