Paul Abadie the Elder

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Paul Abadie the Elder (born July 22, 1783 in Bordeaux , † December 3, 1868 in Bordeaux) was a French architect .

life and work

Paul Abadie was the son of a plasterer factory owner. He first studied in his hometown of Bordeaux with the architect Richard-François Bonfin , who worked there, and then spent five years (1806–1811) in Paris as a student of Charles Percier . He was also trained by Pierre-François-Léonard Fontaine . In 1812 his son of the same name was born , who was also to become a well-known master builder.

In 1818 Abadie and his family settled in Angoulême and from that year until 1854 he held the position of architect in the Charente department in western France . On February 20, 1836 he was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor and in 1845 a corresponding member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts .

In Angoulême Abadie was responsible for the building of the Palace of Justice, the city prefecture (1825-1828), slaughterhouses, the prison, the church of Saint-Jacques de l'Houmeau (completed in 1840) and the Gothic chapel adjacent to the seminary. Furthermore, in 1825 he was responsible for the renovation of the portal of the Saint-André church, also located in Angoulême.

Abadie died in Bordeaux at the end of 1868 at the age of 85.


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  1. Birth and death dates according to Abadie, Paul d. Ä. . In: General Artist Lexicon . The visual artists of all times and peoples (AKL). Volume 1, Seemann, Leipzig 1983, ISBN 3-598-22741-8 , p. 28.