Paul Janson

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Paul Janson (born April 11, 1840 in Herstal , † April 19, 1913 in Sint-Gillis ) was a Belgian liberal politician .

He is best known for his campaign for universal suffrage . He is known as the father of Belgian liberalism.


Paul Janson 1892

Janson received his doctorate in philosophy and literary studies in 1859 and 1862 in law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles . He became a member of the Brussels Bar in 1862 .

After first contacts with the socialists , he joined the Liberal Party . From the beginning of his political career, Janson was a champion for the abolition of the census suffrage . He was the head of the progressive wing of the Liberals. In 1877 he was elected to the Chamber of Deputies . In 1884 the Liberal Party suffered a major defeat and he was not re-elected. That year he became head of the Brussels City Council .

In 1887 there was a break between the Conservatives and the Progressives in the Liberal Party and he and other lawyers founded the Progressist Party , which fought for universal suffrage. Paul Janson became the chairman of that party. In 1894 the liberal parties lost again heavily in the elections after the voting reform of 1893 and Janson lost his seat in the chamber. He receives a seat in the Belgian Senate .

In 1900 he came back through the mediation of Paul Hymans to a more conciliatory and "more moderate" position of the liberals and the "Progressist Party" was given up. Janson was re-elected to the chamber of the Belgian Chamber of Deputies for the “Liberal Party” and remained there as a member until his death. But he also stuck to his political positions on the right to vote without any differences in social position, for reducing the length of work and for the introduction of collective wage agreements. His connections with the socialists of the Belgische Werkliedenpartij were very close and with his mediation a red-blue list connection was formed in 1912 in order to break through the absolute majority of Catholics. This failed, however, and the Catholics retained an absolute majority.

After the election, Janson became Minister van Staat / Ministre d'Etat on August 14, 1912. In Belgium, this is an honorary title which, in special cases, is bestowed by the King for life. The State Ministers are not members of the Council of Ministers. Paul Janson was a member of the Federation of Freemasons , his lodge Les vrais Amis l'Union et de l'Honneur is based in Brussels .


Paul Janson was the founder of a political and artistic dynasty. He was the father of Paul-Émile Janson and Marie Janson . Through her he was the grandfather of Paul-Henri Spaak and great-grandfather of Antoinette Spaak , the first Belgian female party leader. He is also the great-grandfather of Isabelle Spaak and Agnès Spaak and the grandfather of Charles Spaak and Claude Spaak .

Various cities and municipalities in Brussels and Wallonia have named streets after him.

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Individual evidence

  1. Eugen Lennhoff, Oskar Posner, Dieter A. Binder: Internationales Freemaurerlexikon . Revised and expanded new edition of the 1932 edition, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-7766-2161-3 , p. 951.