Paul Joachimi

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Paul Joachimi (born September 27, 1909 in Neubrandenburg ; † April 26, 1993 in Bonn ) was a German administrative lawyer and ministerial official .


Joachimi studied law at the Philipps University in Marburg , the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and the University of Halle . Since 1929 he was a member of the Corps Teutonia Marburg . In 1932 he passed the first state examination in law in Halle. 1934 doctorate he attended the Law and Political Science Faculty of the Dr. iur.

Assessor since 1935 , he initially worked in a law firm . After entering the civil service, he worked for the Reichspostdirektion Berlin in 1936/37 , in the government in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1937/38 and in the Prussian State Ministry from 1938 , most recently as a senior councilor . In the Second World War he was a captain in the Wehrmacht in 1939 and from 1943 .

In 1947 he was released from French captivity . Initially in the private sector, he returned to the civil service in 1948. Until 1953 he was the agent of Lower Saxony with the administration of the United Economic Area in Frankfurt am Main and with the federal government in Bonn. From 1953 to 1975 he was in the Federal Ministry of Construction . As Ministerialrat, he initially headed the Department for General Administration, Personnel, Budget, Law, Special Measures, Shareholdings and Housing Assistance for Federal Employees. In 1966 the areas of economic fundamentals, questions of the banking industry and tax policy as well as financing were added. In 1968, as Ministerial Director , he became head of the new housing department.

With his wife Ingeborg geb. Jahn he had a son born in 1948.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Blue Book of the Corps Teutonia in Marburg 1825 to 2000 . Marburg 2000
  2. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 171 , 1251
  3. Dissertation: The exemption from the ancillary service obligation of the stock corporation and the limited liability company, taking into account the right of termination according to § 8 of the Cartel Ordinance

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