Paul Michot

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Paul Charles Emile Michot (born January 19, 1902 in Gembloers , † October 4, 1999 in Embourg ) was a Belgian geologist .

Michot graduated from the University of Liège with a diploma in mining engineering in 1925 and in geology in 1927. He also studied with Paul Niggli in Zurich in 1934 . In 1928 he became an assistant to Paul Fourmarier at the University of Liège. He initially taught sedimentology and petrography there , was a full professor from 1943 and from 1948 held the chair for general geology as the successor to Fourmarier. In 1972 he retired.

Michot was a corresponding member of the Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique since 1959 and a full member since 1964 , and in 1972 it was its chairman and was a member of the Norwegian, Dutch and Czechoslovak Academies of Sciences. He was president of the Société royale des Sciences de Liège.

From 1946 to 1949 he was Communist Senator for Liège. During World War II he was a leading member of the Belgian resistance and was arrested several times.

He dealt in particular with the stratigraphy of the Paleozoic (especially Ordovician , Silurian ) in Belgium and with petrography. In 1932 he was a member of a Belgian expedition to Ruwenzori , where he studied the petrography of volcanic rocks.

Michot was editor of the Geological Review for many years and became an honorary member of the Geological Association in 1984 . In 1980 he received the Prix Gaudry of the French Geological Society.

His son Jean Michot (* 1930) also taught geology at the Free University of Brussels.


  • La Stratigraphie du Silurien de la bande de Sambre-et-Meuse , Brussels, 1934.
  • with Xavier de Grunne, James Thiriar, L. Burgeon, Lucien Hauman: Vers les glaciers de l'équateur; le Ruwenzori; Mission scientifique belge 1932 , Bruüssel, R. Dupriez, 1937
  • Le Ruwenzori et la pénéplaine du Center africain , Liège 1934.
  • Étude pétrographique et géologique du Ruwenzori septentrional , G. Van Campenhout, 1938.
  • La géologie des zones profondes de l'écorce terrestre , Vaillant-Carmanne, 1956.
  • Classification et terminologie des lapidifiées de la série psammito-pélitique , 1958.
  • La géologie de la catazone: leproblemème des anorthosites, la palingenèse basique et la tectonique catazonale dans le Rogaland meridional (Norvège meriodionale) , Oslo 1960.
  • Le segment tectogénique calédonien belge , Brussels, 1980.

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