Paul Teyssier

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Paul Teyssier (born December 10, 1915 in Argentan , † January 11, 2002 in Meudon ) was a French Romance scholar , Lusitanist , linguist and literary scholar.

life and work

Teyssier's family came from the Corrèze department . He graduated from the École normal supérieure and passed the Agrégation de grammaire in 1939 . After military service in 1940 he was a high school teacher for French in Tulle and had the philosopher Marcel Conche [* 1922] as a pupil there.

From 1941 to 1947 he was sent to Portugal by the Foreign Ministry's Department of Culture and discovered the Portuguese language , which was not taught at the Sorbonne . He was first with Pierre Hourcade (1908-1983) at the Institut français in Lisbon, from 1944 director of the Institut français in Porto . In 1947 he returned to the Quai d'Orsay and in 1953 became professor of Portuguese at the University of Toulouse . He completed his habilitation in 1956 with the two theses La Langue de Gil Vicente (Paris 1959, Portuguese: A Língua de Gil Vicente , Lisbon 2005) and Dictionnaire de la langue de Gil Vicente. Premier volume: A.

From 1958 to 1961 he was Conseiller culturel in Tunis , from 1962 to 1967 in the same position in Rome (at times also head of the Institut français in Naples) and from 1967 to 1971 head of education (Recteur d'académie) in Dakar . From 1971 to 1987 Teyssier was the first professor of Portuguese language and literature at the Sorbonne .

Teyssier was a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (Academia das Ciências de Lisboa), Grand Officer of the Order of Infante Dom Henrique and an officer of the Legion of Honor .

Other works

  • Manuel de langue portugaise. Portugal-Brésil, Paris 1976, 1984, 1988, 1992, 2002 (Portuguese Coimbre 1989)
  • Histoire de la langue portugaise, Paris 1980 (Que sais-je? 1864, Portuguese: História da língua portuguesa, translated by Celso Cunha , Lisbon 1982; 6th edition 1994)
  • (Ed.) Comprendre les langues romanes. You français à l'espagnol, au portugais, à l'italien et au roumain. Méthode d'intercompréhension. Edition coordonnée par Jacqueline Brunet et Jack Schmidely, Paris 2004
Literary and cultural studies
  • (Transl.) José Maria Eça de Queiroz , Une famille portugaise (Os Maias), 2 vols., Paris 1956; (and ed.) and T. Les Maia. Roman, 2 vols., Paris 1971, 1982, 1996, 2000
  • Le Portugal, Paris 1963, 1970, 1983
  • (Ed.) Simão Machado, Comédia de Dio, Rome 1969
  • (Ed.) Gil Vicente, Romagem d'agravados, Paris 1975
  • Gil Vicente, Paris 1981 (Portuguese: Gil Vicente. O autor ea obra, Lisbon 1982)
  • (Transl. And Ed.) Esclave à Alger. Récit de captivité de João Mascarenhas 1621-1626, Paris 1993
  • (Translated and edited with Paul Valentin) Voyages de Vasco de Gama. Relations des expéditions de 1497-1499 et 1502-1503, Paris 1995, 1998 (paperback edition: Vasco de Gama, La relation du premier voyage aux Indes 1497-1499, Paris 1998, 2010)
  • (Transl. And ed.) Gil Vicente, La plainte de Maria la Noiraude = Pranto de Maria Parda, Paris 1995, 2011
  • (Transl. And ed.) Gil Vicente, Triomphe de l'hiver & du printemps = Triunfo do inverno e do verão, Paris 1997
  • (Transl. And ed.) Gil Vicente, La barque de l'enfer, Paris 2000
  • Dictionnaire de littérature brésilienne, Paris 2000 (Portuguese: São Paulo 2003)
  • (Transl.) Le voyage de Ludovico di Varthema en Arabie & aux Indes orientales 1503-1508, Paris 2004


  • Homenagem a Paul Teyssier, ed. by José Da Silva Terra, Lisbon 1987 (Arquivos do Centro cultural portugues 28, with bio bibliography)
  • Paul Teyssier, Etudes de littérature et de linguistique, Paris 1990 (with list of publications)
  • [Obituary by Georges Boisvert] in: Cahiers du Crepal (Center de recherche sur les pays lusophones) 9, 2002, p. 261 ff
  • Lisbonne, atelier du lusitanisme français. Actes du colloque, Université Paris 3-Sorbonne nouvelle, 23-24 janvier 2004, organisé par le CREPAL, Center de recherche sur les pays lusophones, ed. by Jacqueline Penjon et Pierre Rivas, Paris 2005, including:
    • Telmo Verdelho: Paul Teyssier et la récupération de la mémoire lexicographique portugaise. L'étude de l'œuvre de Jerónimo Cardoso, pp. 109-114
    • Jacqueline Penjon: L'attrait du Brésil, pp. 115–122 (with Brazilian Teyssier bibliography)
    • Nicolas Quint: Les créoles portugais ou l'autre frontière de la lusophonie. Un aperçu de la dimension créole de l'œuvre de Paul Teyssier, pp. 123-134

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