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Pentosans are mucilage in parts of plants, especially in cereal grain, and belong to the group of hemicelluloses .


They consist of the pentoses arabinose and xylose , which together form an arabinoxylan .

Occasionally, however, arabinogalactans made from arabinose ( pentose ) and galactose ( hexose ) are also included.

Depending on the type of bond and the number of arabinose residues, the solution behavior in water varies (water-soluble and water-insoluble pentosans).


Pentosans can be found in many herbal products. Rye contains around 6–8% pentosans (distributed over the whole grain), wheat around 2–3%, which are concentrated in the outer layers of the grain.

The mucilage has a high water binding power, which is important for the dough formation of rye dough in the bakery: Since there is no gluten structure in the rye dough as in wheat dough, the mucilage is responsible for the dough formation.


Since the human body does not produce pentosanases ( enzymes that break down pentosans) in the digestive tract , they cannot be digested and are therefore classed as dietary fibers .

Medical benefit

Pentosan polysulfate (Fibrenzym ® ) is a heparinoid , so it is used to inhibit blood clotting in patients who cannot tolerate heparin .

A study on the symptomatic treatment of interstitial cystitis with pentosan polysulfate with the aid of electrical current shows a temporary replacement of the glycosaminoglycan barrier in the urinary bladder .

Individual evidence

  1. Waldemar Ternes: Scientific basics of food preparation . Behr's, Hamburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-89947-422-0 .
  2. a b Hans D. Belitz: Textbook of food chemistry. Springer-Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-662-08310-9 , p. 528 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  3. Annemie Loch, Olaf Dilk, Tillmann Loch, Michael Stöckle: EMDA (Electromotive Drug Administration) with pentosan polysulfate (PPS) in the therapy of IC . (PDF) 2004