Perimede (daughter of Aiolus)

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Perimede ( Greek  Περιμήδη ) is in Greek mythology the daughter of Enarete and Aiolos , the progenitor of the Aioler .

She has seven brothers - Kretheus , Sisyphus , Athamas , Salmoneus , Deion , Magnes and Perieres - and four sisters - Kanak , Alkyone , Peisidike and Kalyke . Occasionally the sisters Tanagra and Arne and the brothers Makareus , Aethlios and Mimas are also mentioned.

With Acheloos , Perimede is the mother of Orestes and Hippodamas .


Web links

  • Perimede in the Greek Myth Index (English)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 7, 3.
  2. Pausanias : Description of Greece 9, 20, 1.
  3. Pausanias: Description of Greece 9, 40, 5.
  4. ^ Hyginus Mythographus : Fabulae 242.
  5. Pausanias: Description of Greece 10, 38, 4.
  6. Pausanias: Description of Greece 5, 8, 2.
  7. Diodorus 4, 67, 3.