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Periodicals ( Pl. Periodicals) or continuous compilation refers to a mostly regularly published printed work in the library system . It is the technical umbrella term for series of issues, journals , magazines and newspapers and is in contrast to monographs .


The decisive characteristic of the periodical is its recurrence ( periodicity ).

The periodicity in newspapers and magazines describes the regular appearance of a publication. A daily newspaper must appear at least five times (in most cases six times) a week, a Sunday newspaper every Sunday and a magazine at least four times a year. The four criteria of a newspaper are, besides the periodicity, the topicality , the universality and the publicity. Publicity is relevant for both magazines and newspapers, as opposed to universality and timeliness. Editorial offices must therefore be prepared to appear at regular intervals.

The periodicity of a magazine can be weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly; Other periods that are the same within a month, quarter or year are also possible and customary. The periodicity in the appearance of the course described a magazine. The entirety of the issues of a particular journal that appear within a year is called the "year", i.e. H. one year appears each year, each of which can contain several issue numbers. The count of the year usually starts at the beginning of the year in January. However, it can also start depending on historical or economic circumstances, for example the beginning of the publication or budget year , for example in October. This may be the case with the publication of magazines in the 19th century.

The year census can result from political considerations, for example in the case of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt . In certain regions, the changeover from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar at the end of the 17th to the beginning of the 18th century can be important for calculating the date of publication to the exact day .

Examples of year and issue number information in scientific form could look something like this:

  • "Jg. 3 (2007), H. 12" refers to the 12th issue of the 3rd year. The magazine was published in 2005 (vol. 1), 2006 (vol. 2) and 2007 (vol. 3).
  • "Vol. 28, 2008/2009, Issue 1, published 2009" refers to the 1st issue of the 28th volume, which was published in 2009.


Examples of periodicals are:

See also


Web links

Wiktionary: Periodical  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gerst, Thomas: 100th year of the Deutsches Ärzteblatt: Confusing Chronology ; in: Deutsches Ärzteblatt 100, issue 1–2 of January 6, 2003, pages A-19 / B-17 / C-17.
  2. ^ German National Library - Info - Edition (Periodical Publication - Delivery). Retrieved May 10, 2019 .