Personal names on -me

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Personal names in -mir are personal names , especially in the Slavic-speaking area.


Personal names in -mir were first used as a Greek spelling of Germanic names ( Valamir , Theodemir in the 5th century).

In the 8th century Vojnomir was mentioned as a Slavic prince in Dalmatia . In 806 Sclaomir appeared on the Elbe in Mecklenburg with the Slavic tribe of the Obodrites , around 850 Malamir as ruler of the Danube-Bulgarian Empire .


The word component -mir was the Greek spelling of Germanic -mer . This was derived from mērs = famous .

This spelling was adopted in the Slavic languages. There it is usually mistakenly understood as Slavic me = world , peace . The preceding component seems to be mostly of Slavic origin ( slav , jar , ostr, etc.).





  • Max Vasmer, Russian etymological dictionary , Heidelberg 1953-1958, ZDB -ID 1341766-6
  • Max Vasmer, Этимологический словарь русского языка , (Russian translation) by Oleg N. Trubachev, with additions and comments, Moscow 1973–1984 ( article Vladimir )