Peter Anton Inama

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Peter Anton Inama (* 1715 in Nonsberg ; † January 12, 1783 in Innsbruck ) from the Inama family was a professor and rector at the University of Innsbruck . P. 105


Peter Anton Inama moved to Innsbruck around 1730 and studied law at the university, completed his habilitation there and was appointed full professor for the fields of institutions in 1739, i.e. only 24 or 25 years old, later pundits , feudal law and embarrassing law (criminal law). He married in 1740. Eisenhart describes him in his ADB article as a capable lawyer, but a restless mind, who, due to his violent and irritable temperament, lived in constant arguments with his fellow officials, which a well-meaning vice-chancellor of the university could only with difficulty compensate. When Inama became rector for the academic year 1743/44, the disputes flared up again, this time between the rector, the academic senate and the secret council of the university. They were so persistent and violent that the Vienna government finally had to intervene for the first time and repeatedly in the autonomous constitution of the university, which damaged its reputation. In 1768, Peter Anton Inama lived in a secluded life in Innsbruck and died in 1783, “horrified by the uneasy and criminal behavior of the teaching office”.


  • Synopsis historiae iuris Justinianei 1749
  • Dissertatio de sententia et re iudicata 1753
  • Dissertatio de sufficiente legis cognitione 1758


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Köbler, according to Wurzbach, mentions January 16
  2. see literature Hanns Inama: History of all families Inama
  3. see web link Gerhard Köbler: Strafrecht; Peter Anton Inama Publications
  4. see literature ADB Johann August Ritter von Eisenhart: Inama, Peter Anton