Peter Friedrich Wallreuther

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Epitaph from Stiftsdekan Peter Friedrich Wallreuther, Martinskirche (Worms)
Coat of arms of Stiftsdekan Peter Friedrich Wallreuther (detail from the epitaph)
Grave inscription, Stiftsdekan Peter Friedrich Wallreuther (detail from the epitaph)

Peter Friedrich Wallreuther (* 1712 in Worms-Herrnsheim ; † February 13, 1786 , in Worms ) was a Catholic priest, canon and dean (head) of the Martinsstift Worms .


The Wallreuther were a middle class family from Kiedrich in the Rheingau , where the grandfather Johann Matthäus Wallreuther officiated as a Kurmainzer Ober schultheiß .

Peter Friedrich Wallreuther was the son of Johann Christoph Wallreuther from Kiedrich and Anna Amalia Kieser from Worms. Both married there in 1710; Anna Amalia Kieser's father was the bishop of Worms and Johann Christoph Wallreuthers brother Johann Anton Wallreuther (1673–1734) lived as a clergyman in the diocese of Worms, from 1731 he served as auxiliary bishop. The great uncle Michael Schnock († 1727) was the abbot of the Eberbach monastery .

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Peter Friedrich Wallreuther studied theology at the University of Heidelberg , where he appears in the registers in 1731.

He was ordained a priest before 1734, as he was already listed as a jubilee priest in the Mainz court calendar of 1784, i.e. had been ordained for at least 50 years.

Wallreuther became a canon at the Martinsstift Worms and served as the dean there from 1776 until his death in 1786. The dean was the head of this collegiate foundation . According to the funerary inscription, he was also pastor of the Lambertus parish incorporated into the monastery .

He was buried in the collegiate church of St. Martin zu Worms, where his elaborate epitaph has been preserved to this day. The coat of arms depicted on it bears a five-pointed aristocratic crown , so that Dean Wallreuther and his family were probably ennobled .


The older brother of Peter Friedrich Wallreuther was Michael Anton Wallreuther (* 1711), Chancellor of the secular government of the Duchy of Worms . His two sons Peter Friedrich (1744-1814) and Philipp Franz Ignaz (1751-1811) also became priests. The former was the last dean of the Worms Liebfrauenstift from 1782 to 1802 , while Philipp Franz Ignaz was cantor at the Paulusstift .


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Individual evidence

  1. To grandfather Matthäus Wallreuther in Kiedrich
  2. ^ Genealogical page about the Kieser family in Worms
  3. ^ Matriculation excerpt from Heidelberg University
  4. Wallreuther as a jubilant priest 1784