Peter Ignaz von Flüe

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Peter Ignaz von Flüe (born May 18, 1762 in Sachseln , † March 14, 1834 in Alpnach ) was a Swiss politician and pastor. Among other things, he was delegate to the Diet and Mayor of Obwalden and Senator of the Helvetian Republic. He was a descendant of St. Niklaus von Flüe .

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Peter Ignaz von Flüe was born into a wealthy family in Sachseln . His father was Johann Peter von Flüe, his mother was Marie Josefa von Zuben.

Von Flüe attended the Jesuit school in Lucerne and began his political career in 1781 as the successor to his father. In the same year he married Anna Katharina Perola von Sarnen († 1790). The marriage produced seven children, only two of whom reached adulthood.

Until the fall of the Old Confederation in 1784 he made a political career: in 1781 he became councilor, 1,782 toys Lord, 1783 Country Client, 1785 Country governor (vice-president of the regional government) and 1791 and 1795 Obwaldner Landammann (President of the Provincial Government).

In 1784 he built a manorial town house on the village square in Sachseln, a classicist house with a baroque garden, committed to the French contemporary style. He had built the house with money from mercenary sales. Today it is classified as worthy of cantonal protection and is a listed building as a B object. The Brother Klaus Sachseln Museum has been housed in it since 1976 .

From 1786 he was a member of the Diet and from 1793 to 1795 Landvogt in the Upper Freiamt . In the time of the Helvetic Republic until 1803 he held important offices, for example he was court president and then governor of the Sarnen district and senator of the Swiss parliament. With the end of the Helvetic Republic in 1802 he had to break off his political career as a former representative of the Helvetic central state.

Von Flüe decided to study theology. Since his wife had already died in 1790, he was ordained priest in 1804 with an episcopal dispensation . He initially took on vicariates outside the canton . The parishioners of Alpnach elected him their pastor in 1811. There, the experienced builder began building the new Alpnach parish church in 1812 , which was inaugurated in 1821. Weakened by various illnesses and tired of office, Pastor von Flüe died on March 14, 1834 and was buried in the church of Alpnach.

Peter Ignaz von Flüe acquired citizenship in the municipality of Mellingen in Aargau.


  • Niklaus von Flüe : Peter Ignaz von Flüe, 1762 to 1834: Obwalden Landammann, Helvetian civil servant and senator, pastor of Alpnach , self-published, Kerns, 1998.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Lothar Emanuel Kaiser: Brother Klaus and his sanctuaries , 2nd edition, Kunstverlag Josef Fink, Lindenberg, 2007, p. 10. See also online: About the children, blood relatives and descendants. Information page from Wallfahrt Sachseln, accessed on October 14, 2012
  2. Canton of Obwalden, KGS inventory, provisional list of B objects (PDF) , inventory excerpt as of January 1, 2018 from the cultural property protection department at the Federal Office for Civil Protection (FOCP)
  3. Renovation and redesign of the Museum Bruder Klaus Sachseln (PDF; 179 kB) Brochure on the reopening in spring 2012, accessed on October 14, 2012
  4. Konrad Kunz: The acquisition of the Mellinger citizenship of Peter Ignaz von Flüe, Landammanns and pastor (1762-1834)