Peter Joehnk

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Peter Joehnk (born May 18, 1952 in Kiel ) is a German administrator and industrial engineer. Since 2009 he has been visiting professor for strategic management at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava .


After an apprenticeship as a qualified administrator and various activities in local government and adult education in Bonn and the surrounding area, Peter Joehnk went to the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology in Bonn in 1980 . Here he was initially responsible for handling the “CAD / CAM” and “Industrial Robots” funding programs and later oversaw the fundamental business issues of major research institutions in the Ministry's policy department.

In 1988 he moved to the Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center . In 1990 Peter Joehnk went to the new federal states with the German-German government commission “Reunification” and was commissioned to set up a branch for the Karlsruhe Research Center in Dresden. In 1991 he moved to the Central Institute for Solid State Physics and Materials Testing of the Academy of Sciences as Administrative Director. Joehnk supervised the transition and the re-establishment of the IFW Dresden as a Blue List facility from the Academy Institute . From 1992 to 2002 Peter Joehnk was commercial director on the board of the IFW. Furthermore, as a consultant on government contracts, he accompanied the restructuring processes of research systems and institutions in former socialist countries, including in Vietnam and Russia.

From 2002 to 2017 he was Commercial Director of the Helmholtz Center Dresden-Rossendorf . Joehnk received his doctorate on the subject of " Business and HR Management Instruments for Management in Research Institutions of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Science Association ". He accepted teaching assignments in the areas of “Strategic and Operational Management” and “Cost and Financial Management, Controlling” in the Master’s degree in “University and Science Management at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences . Peter Joehnk is a member of the advisory boards of scientific institutions and companies. As an art photographer, he has had exhibitions in Germany and Europe. Peter Joehnk is married and has three grown children.


Boards / memberships

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