Peter Pögl

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Peter Pögl (* around 1430, † 1486 ) was a Styrian hammer master and arms manufacturer .


Due to his good relations with Emperor Friedrich III. Peter Pögl succeeded in expanding his arms smithy, founded in Aflenz ( Styria ) in 1469, into an armaments company of supraregional importance. In particular, he manufactured hook boxes and iron balls for the imperial army. In 1466 and 1478 he is named as the owner of the "Thörlein", a road block in Thörl , which he expanded into a castle . The first documented orders from 1469 were for 300 hook boxes and 14,000 iron balls for 260 pennies (May 29, 1469), and 100 hook boxes for 75 pennies (10 August 1469). In 1471 he donated the building of the choir of the parish church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Aflenz. Peter Pögl died in 1486. ​​His tombstone is on the southern outer wall of the Aflenz parish church. He had at least two children:

  • Gotthard Pögl, citizen and judge in Bruck.
  • Sebald Pögl the Elder , probably the first-born son, who managed to expand the business into an early industrial large-scale operation.

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Individual evidence

  1. Geh.H. archive. Cod N.88.fol.88