Peter van Driessen

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Peter van Driessen also: Petrus van Driessen (born August 30, 1753 in Groningen ; † January 11, 1828 there ) was a Dutch chemist, pharmacist and doctor.


Peter van Driessen, the son of the lawyer Johannes Petrus Driessen (Councilor and Syndic of the Province of Groningen), studied medicine at the University of Groningen and received his doctorate in medicine there in 1775 ( Dissertatio exhibens et icone illustrans nervos musculorum abdominalium et superficiei inguinis ). He then went on a study trip to Vienna, Paris and London. In 1778 he became a lecturer, in 1787 an associate professor and in 1789 a full professor of medicine, chemistry and pharmacy (Materia Medica) in Groningen. He later also taught botany (after Munnik's death in 1806) and was director of the Botanical Garden and he taught agricultural chemistry. In 1823 he was retired. 1794, 1806 and 1818 was also rector of the Groningen University. He turned down calls to Harderwijk and Utrecht . He is considered the founder of an independent education in chemistry in Groningen.

In 1791 he developed a process for the production of soda from table salt and a production process for salmiak . In 1799 he published a process for extracting potash .

He was one of the authors of the Pharmacopoea Batava (Amsterdam, 1805) and the Pharmacopoea Belgica from 1825.

He was married to Cornelia Conradi and had two sons.

Works (selection)

  • Oratio de arte pharmaceutica in magnum Patriae emolumentum, ad majus dignitatis fastigium evehenda, Groningen 1788,
  • Scheikundige negotiating over de magnesia alba, en het slutty gebruik van de moederloogen van zeezout in ons vaderland, Amsterdam, 1786
  • Natuur- en Scheikundige waarnemingen over onderwerpen der geneeskunde en oeconomie in ons vaderland, Groningen 1791
  • Redevoering over de nieuwe hulpmiddelen ter beoefening der natuurkundige wetenschappen, Groningen 1820 (Latin original: Oratio de ampliflicato, in hac academia, rerum naturalium studio ad communem civium utilitatem convertendo, Annales Academiae Groningana 1817)


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