Petre Preoteasa

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Petre Preoteasa (born September 17, 1930 in Plenița , Dolj district ) is a former Romanian politician of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) .


Petre Preoteasa attended high school in Plenița from 1941 and then the industrial high school in Craiova , which he finished in 1949 as an art fitter. Between 1951 and 1956 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Institute of Mechanics in Brașov and during his studies from 1953 to 1956 he was organizational secretary of the faculty committee of Uniunea Tineretului Muncitor (UTM), the youth association of the PMR. After completing his studies, he worked from 1956 to 1962 as a mechanical engineer, chief engineer for organization and most recently as chief engineer for processing in the factory for agricultural machinery in Craiova. In 1957 he became a member of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) . After that, between 1962 and 1966 he was director of the car repair company No. 8 in Craiova and at the same time a member of the regional council of trade unions there and a candidate for the local office of the PMR People's Committee. After being an instructor in the Mining, Energy and Transport Section of the Central Committee from September 1966 to 1967, he worked as a special inspector in the Council of Ministers from 1967 to 1968. At the same time, between 1967 and 1968, he completed postgraduate studies in economics at the Social-Political Academy " Stefan Gheorghiu " in Bucharest .

Subsequently, Preoteasa was head of the Transport and Telecommunications Section of the Central Council's Economic Council between 1968 and 1975 to control the work of economic and social activities.From October 1974 to January 1977, he was Economic Secretary of the PCR Committee in Dolj County . January 1977 and October 24, 1979 First Secretary of the PCR Party Committee in Dolj County and President of the Executive Committee of the Dolj County People's Council. In October 1979 he became a member of the National Council for Human Labor and also served from October 27, 1979 to April 6, 1984 as First Vice-President and State Secretary of the State Planning Committee. At the twelfth party congress of the PCR (November 19 to 23, 1979) he became a candidate for the Central Committee (ZK) of the PCR. On October 15, 1980 he became a member of the Central Committee of the PCR and was a member of this committee until December 22, 1989. At the same time he became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) in 1980 and was a member of this as a representative of the constituency Secuieni / Bacău until 1985 and then between 1985 and December 22, 1989 for the constituency of Cluj .

On April 6, 1984, Petre Preoteasa became Minister of Mechanical Engineering (Ministrul industriei construcțiilor de mașini) in the Dăscălescu I cabinet and held this office until February 15, 1985. He then served in the Dăscălescu I and Dăscălescu II cabinets between the 15th February 1985 and October 5, 1987 as Minister for Technical and Material Supply and as Minister for Control of Fund Management (Ministrul Aprovizionării Tehnico-Materiale și Controlului Gospodăririi Fondurilor Fixe) . On October 5, 1987, he took over the function of First Secretary of the PCR Party Committee in the Brașov District and as President of the Executive Committee of the People's Council of the Brașov District and held this position until the collapse of communism in the course of the Romanian Revolution on December 22, 1989 He is also a member of the Central Committee for Economic Cooperation and International Relations between Party and State. At the Fourteenth Party Congress of the PCR (November 20 to 24, 1989) he also became a candidate for the Political Executive Committee of the PCR Central Committee and held this position until December 22, 1989.

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