Compulsory stock

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Swissmill Tower

In Switzerland, compulsory stocks are a legally regulated system of economic national supply for keeping emergency stocks in order to be able to maintain security of supply in crises .

In the Federal Office for National Economic Supply (BWL), part of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs (FDEA), the compulsory warehouse section is the responsible authority.


Due to the continental blockade of 1806, the federal authorities were confronted for the first time with supply bottlenecks for cotton and colonial goods . The system of compulsory Swiss stocks was established because of the food shortage after the First World War . In response, the federal government first set up a supply of bread grain at the end of the 1920s . The compulsory camp policy was geared towards war events for a long time.

Since the 1980s and the fall of the Berlin Wall , natural disasters , bio-terrorism , epidemics , strikes or technical and economic difficulties have been in the foreground of planning and the needs assessments based on them. The floods in 1999 blocked shipping on the Rhine and showed how quickly the supply of mineral oils can deteriorate.

As of 2004, the stockpiling of soap , detergent , lubricating oil , cocoa beans and seeds was given up and the stockpiling for food was reduced to four months. Storage costs were halved at that time to 130 million francs, around 18 francs per inhabitant per year. Products are stored that are not available in Switzerland or are not available in sufficient quantities to survive certain crisis scenarios, such as B. Interruptions in supply.

The stocks are held by the private sector in an amount specified by the state. The cost of stockpiling is added to the price of the goods via an allocation. The compulsory stocks include in particular food , medicines and petroleum products .

Important alliances of the industry for the fulfillment of the obligations are explained in the following sections.


The private cooperative RéserveSuisse , created in 2004 from the merger of the trust agency of the Swiss food importers (TSL) and the trust agency of the Swiss grain warehouse keepers (TSG), manages the compulsory warehouse for food and feed .

Are reserved for the average needs of the Swiss population

as well as energy and protein carriers for human nutrition and for feed purposes

  • Energy carrier (average requirement for 3 months)
  • Protein carrier (average requirement for 2 months)


The Agricura cooperative stores fertilizers.


Helvecura , also organized as a cooperative , is the trustee of the Swiss compulsory medicinal products warehouse keepers , and stocks medicines , especially antibiotics and antivirals.

But insulin is also kept for 2 months.


The Carbura was founded in 1932 and is the compulsory stock organization of Swiss oil industry.

This must hold stocks that cover Switzerland's needs for car gasoline , diesel oil , heating oil for 4.5 months and that for aviation fuel for three months.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Larisse Bieler: Swiss duty
  2. NZZ of October 16, 2005: Swiss obligation. On behalf of the state, companies hoard rice and coffee, heating oil and Tamiflu worth over five billion francs in compulsory Swiss stocks. When things get tough, the camps are tapped. [1]
  3. ReserveSuisse
  4. Ordinance on the compulsory storage of food and feed
  5. a b Samuel Jaberg: How Switzerland survives in a crisis. In: . April 24, 2019, accessed April 1, 2020 .
  6. reporting portal of Agricura
  7. Agricura
  8. Helvecura
  9. purpose and tasks of CARBURA. In: Accessed January 2, 2020 .
  10. Compulsory stock range. In: September 9, 2016, accessed April 27, 2019 .