Phallus calongei

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Phallus calongei
Phallus calongei (the bar corresponds to 1 cm)

Phallus calongei (the bar corresponds to 1 cm)

Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : Phallomycetidae
Order : Stinkhorns (Phallales)
Family : Stinkhorn relatives (Phallaceae)
Genre : Stinkhorns ( phallus )
Type : Phallus calongei
Scientific name
Phallus calongei
G. Moreno & Khalid

Phallus calongei is a type of mushroom from the family of stinkhorn relatives that is found in Pakistan and India.


Phallus calongei , like all stinker morels, forms a witch's egg in the immature stage , in which the fruiting body develops with the receptacle . When ripe, the witch's egg then grows out of the whitish stalk with the hat up to 24 cm long and up to 3 cm wide with the gleba . The handle is hollow and chambered. The receptacle, i.e. the part carrying the fruit layer, is up to 7 cm high and 4 cm wide, bell-shaped to conical with a reticulate surface. When the gleba dissolves, the surface becomes even more reticulate with pink ridges. The tip is blunted by a flat, sunken, perforated surface. The gleba is olive-green, dissolving and gives off an intense carrion odor . The Pakistani finds lack an indusium (veil), the Indian finds a sparsely developed indusium. The volva consists of a thin, white imperforate membrane and is only sparsely formed. The spores are 3.5–4.5 μm × 1.5–2 μm in size, elliptical, smooth, and hyaline .


Phallus calongei is gregarious on dead and decaying wood in temperate mixed forests. The spores are spread by flies and dung beetles, which are attracted by the carrion-like smell and ingest the gleba .


Phallus calongei was first described from Pakistan. Finds from the Indian state of Sikkim soon became known.

Origin of name

Because of its shape, the genus was given the scientific name phallus , the specific epithet he received in honor of the Spanish mycologist Francisco Diego Calonge .


Phallus calongei was first described by Gabriel Moreno and Abdul Nasir Khalid in 2009. Within the stinkhorn it belongs to the subgenus Phallus , section Flavophallus . Other species in this section are Phallus flavocostatus , Phallus tenuis , Phallus formanosus , Phallus callichrous , Phallus multicolor and Phallus cinnabarinus . Phallus calongei differs from these species, among other things, by a below-average developed volvaa, the stem tapered at both ends, the very pronounced reticulated hat with its pink ridges and the absence of the indusium (although the last characteristic is present in the Indian specimens).


Individual evidence

  1. a b c K. Das, D. Mishra: Phallus calongei G. Moreno & Khalid - a new record for India . In: Nelumbo . tape 51 , 2009, p. 225-226 ( online via ResearchGate ).
  2. a b c d e f g G. Moreno, AN Khalid, P. Alvarado: A new species of Phallus from Pakistan . In: Mycotaxon . tape 108 , 2009, p. 457-462 , doi : 10.5248 / 108.457 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Phallus calongei  - Collection of images, videos and audio files