Phare des Grands Cardinaux

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Phare des Grands Cardinaux
Phare des Grands Cardinaux
Phare des Grands Cardinaux
Place: Chaussée des Cardinaux, France
Location: Morbihan , Brittany , France
Geographical location: 47 ° 19 ′ 16 ″  N , 2 ° 50 ′ 6 ″  W Coordinates: 47 ° 19 ′ 16 ″  N , 2 ° 50 ′ 6 ″  W
Height of tower base: 0.8  m
Fire carrier height : 27 m
Fire height : 27.8 m
Phare des Grands Cardinaux (Morbihan department)
Phare des Grands Cardinaux
Identifier : 4 flashes every 15 seconds
Scope knows: 12.5 nm (23.2 km )
Operating mode: 80 W
Function: Orientation fire
Operating time: 1875

Phare des Grands Cardinaux is the name of a lighthouse that was built on the rock "Groguéguez" in the Morbihan department , southeast of the island of Hœdic . It marks the "Chaussée des Cardinaux", which is the entrance to the Bay of Quiberon .

The tower is remotely controlled from the Phare de Goulphar lighthouse on Belle-Île . It has a range of 12.5 nautical miles .

See also

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