Philipp Jakob Becker

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Philipp Jakob Becker (born July 15, 1763 in Pforzheim ; † August 13, 1829 in Erlenbad , today Sasbach ) was a German painter.

Becker came to Rome at the age of 17 and joined Raphael Mengs , who, however, died immediately afterwards. In 1785 he returned to Baden from Italy and settled in Karlsruhe . Becker subsequently became a grand ducal court painter. In 1784 he was commissioned by Margrave Karl Friedrich to lead the drawing school. In 1776 the first gallery was moved into, after which the Akademiestraße in Karlsruhe still bears its name. In 1803 Becker was appointed the first gallery director in Karlsruhe.

He was a correct draftsman and combined a clear sense of form with elegant treatment, while in painting technique he did not rise above the amateurish and essentially only distinguished himself as a copyist for older masters. He finally made a few attempts at etching and lithography .

The Grand Ducal Kupferstichkabinett in Karlsruhe owns a large number of drawings in chalk , sepia and pen, nudes , studies, heads, copies, and drawings based on antiquity .

In the princely Fürstenberg'schen Galerie zu Donaueschingen there are several painted copies and some small landscapes with idyllic staffage by Becker's hand.


Web links

  • René Gilbert: Philipp Jakob Becker , in: Stadtlexikon Karlsruhe [1]