Philipp Müller (photographer)

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Philipp Müller (born June 30, 1822 in Mainz ; † 1867 ) was a German photographer and businessman .

Live and act

Philipp Müller was born as the son of the shoemaker Joseph Müller (1780–1854) , who came from the Bohemian Pomeisl , and Maria Anna, née. Kerz (1788–1845) was born.

According to the Mainz family register, he initially worked as an innkeeper . In 1856 he moved to Homburg vor der Höhe . There he was the owner of the general store "Au grand turc" opposite the Kurhaus in Louisenstrasse , where he offered tobacco products, tea, chocolate, toilet and haberdashery goods for sale. In 1857, Müller also took over an insurance agency and, as an emigration agent , sold tickets for ship passages.

Activity as a photographer

Hombourg-Ès-Monts. Castle watch. Le Corps de Garde du Chateau. Philipp Müller (1863).

As early as 1853, the photographer Hermann Emden offered his works for viewing in the "Au grand turc" shop. From 1863 Müller worked as a photographer at the same address and ran his own photo studio . He quickly gained recognition for his photographs, which were praised in the Taunusbote in both 1863 and 1865 . In particular in the field of topographic photography , Müller stood out with his work. Among other things, he created various historically valuable images of the city of Homburg vor der Höhe using the collodion process , which he colored with oil paints . In 1868 a book with original photographs of the city was published for French spa guests under Müller's name. After his death, the studio was continued by his widow and other photographers until at least 1871.


Philipp Müller was married to Caroline Josephine Auguste Müller (1826–1885), a daughter of the Grand Ducal Hessian court instrument maker Carl August Müller . His grandson was the Frankfurt city director Adolf Dannhof (1880–1956), his descendant Edith Dannhof (1906–2001) married a son of the garden architect Philipp Siesmayer .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ City Archives Mainz: Family Register Family Philipp Müller . Mainz.
  2. Hombourg-Ès-Monts. Castle watch. Le Corps de Garde du Chateau. In: Bad City Archives. Retrieved May 14, 2020 .
  3. a b Dr. Manfred Großkinsky, Dr. Eberhard Mayer-Wegelin, Dr. Birgit Sander: Early photography in the Rhine-Main area 1839 - 1885 . Ed .: Haus Giersch Museum Regionaler Kunst. ISBN 3-935283-05-9 .
  4. With old photos and maps on time. Bad Homburg Week, March 20, 2019, accessed on May 14, 2020 .
  5. Fountains as the favorite motifs of the first photographers. Bad Homburg Week, March 20, 2019, accessed on May 14, 2020 .