Philippe Ciarlet

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Philippe G. Ciarlet (born October 14, 1938 in Paris ) is a French mathematician who deals with numerical mathematics and applications in mechanics.

Ciarlet studied at the École polytechnique from 1959 to 1961 and from 1962 to 1964 at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées . From 1964 he was at the Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland , where he did his doctorate with Richard S. Varga ( Variational Methods for nonlinear boundary value problems ). In 1971 a Thèse d'Etat (extended doctorate) followed with Jacques-Louis Lions at the University of Paris . 1966 to 1973 he was head of the mathematics department in the Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées. From 1974 he was a professor at the University of Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), where he was head of the laboratory for numerical analysis from 1981 to 1992. From 1967 to 1985 he was also Maitre de Conferences at the Ecole Polytechnique and from 1978 to 1987 professor at the École normal supérieure . After retiring in 2002, he was a professor at the City University of Hong Kong . Among other things, he was visiting professor at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research several times .

Ciarlet is known for his contributions to finite element theory and to (nonlinear) elasticity theory and mechanics (theory of plates and shells). He also dealt with other numerical methods and differential geometry.

He is a member of the Academia Europaea (1989), the Académie des sciences (1991), the Romanian Academy of Sciences (1996), the National Academy of Sciences in India (2003), the Chinese Academy of Sciences (2009), the Academy of Third World Sciences , Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the French Academy of Technology. Ciarlet has been a member of the French Legion of Honor since 1999. In 1981 he received the Poncelet Prize and in 1989 the Prix Jaffé of the Académie des sciences. In 1996 he received the Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize ( Gay Lussac Humboldt Prize ). He has multiple honorary doctorates (including Krakow and several Chinese and Romanian universities). He is a fellow of the American Mathematical Society .


  • Lectures on the Finite Element Method. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 1975.
  • Numerical Analysis of the Finite Element Method (= Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures. 59). Les Presses de L'Université de Montréal, Montréal 1976, ISBN 0-8405-0356-3 .
  • The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems (= Studies in Mathematics and its Applications. 4). North-Holland, Amsterdam et al. 1978, ISBN 0-444-85028-7 .
  • with Patrick Rabier: Les Equations de von Kármán (= Lecture Notes in Mathematics . 826). Springer, Berlin 1980, ISBN 3-540-10248-5 .
  • Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique Matricielle et à l'Optimisation. Masson, Paris et al. 1982, ISBN 2-225-68893-1 (English translation: Introduction to numerical linear algebra and optimization (= Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. 2). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge et al. 1989, ISBN 0-521-32788 -1 ).
  • Lectures on Three-Dimensional Elasticity. Springer, Berlin et al. 1983, ISBN 3-540-12331-8 (Lecture Tata Institute).
  • Mathematical Elasticity. 3 volumes. North Holland, Amsterdam et al. 1988-2000;
    • Volume 1: Three-dimensional elasticity (= Studies in Mathematics and its Applications. 20). 1988, ISBN 0-444-70259-8 ;
    • Volume 2: Theory of Plates (= Studies in Mathematics and its Applications. 27). 1997, ISBN 0-444-82570-3 ;
    • Volume 3: Theory of Shells (= Studies in Mathematics and its Applications. 29). 2000, ISBN 0-444-82891-5 .
  • Plates and Junctions in Elastic Multi-Structures. An Asymptotic Analysis (= Collection Recherches en Mathématiques Appliquées. 14). Masson et al., Paris et al. a 1990, ISBN 3-540-52917-9 .
  • Introduction to linear shell theory (= Series in Applied Mathematics. 1). Gauthier-Villars et al., Paris 1998, ISBN 2-84299-068-4 .
  • An introduction to differential geometry with applications to elasticity. Springer, Dordrecht 2005, ISBN 1-4020-4247-7 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Especially with the von Karman equations, elliptical partial differential equations for the description of the equilibrium of thin plates