Colliery Merry View

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Colliery Merry View
General information about the mine
other names Colliery Frohe Aussicht, Colliery Schöne Aussicht
Information about the mining company
Start of operation 1821
End of operation 1847
Funded raw materials
Degradation of Hard coal
Geographical location
Coordinates 51 ° 29 '21.3 "  N , 7 ° 43' 38"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 29 '21.3 "  N , 7 ° 43' 38"  E
Merry View Colliery (Ruhr Regional Association)
Colliery Merry View
Lage Colliery Merry View
Location Ardey-Frömern
local community Fröndenberg
District ( NUTS3 ) Unna
country State of North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
District Ruhr area

The Frohe Sicht colliery was a coal mine in Fröndenberg-Ardey- Romern. The colliery was also known under the name Zeche Frohe Aussicht or Zeche Schöne Aussicht .

Mining history

Already in 1575 mining was carried out in this area . On March 26, 1820, the courage was inserted and on October 16, a length field was awarded . On July 1, 1821, the mine was put into operation. An old tunnel system with a light hole was reworked near the Thabrauck . This tunnel system probably came from the Nepomuk mine, which was operated in the 18th century . The tunnel mouth hole was at a height of 168 meters above sea ​​level . In 1822, mining was operated and in Nebenflöz dirt bank basic route eastward ascended . In 1825 the Gotthilf shaft was initially dismantled in the secondary seam, after which the mine was temporarily out of service until 1827.

In 1828 151 puddles were sunk east of the Gotthilf shaft of the Elisabeth shaft . In 1830 mining was carried out at the Elisabeth shaft. From 1831 to 1835 the mine was temporarily out of order. In 1836, 169 puddles were sunk east of the Elisabeth shaft, the Hope shaft. In 1840 the colliery was again temporarily out of order and from December 31 of the same year it was completely out of order. From April 13, 1841, mining began again and from October of the same year only the mine field was aligned . From March of the following year, dismantling was initially carried out and on December 31, 1842, another shutdown took place. From March 1st of that year, the Hope Shaft was dismantled again. 1845 the mine was temporarily in periods obtained. From February 17 to September 5, 1847, the mine was again received within time limits and in November of the same year the Frohe Sicht colliery was shut down again.

In 1951 the mine was reopened under the new name Zeche Haggenberg with a new tunnel.


The first known production figures of the mine come from the year 1830, 9689 bushels of hard coal were produced . In 1835, 15,628½ bushels of hard coal were mined. In 1840 the production rose slightly to 17,819½ bushels of hard coal. The maximum production of the mine was provided in 1844, 23,034 bushels were produced. In 1845 the production dropped to 18,826 bushels. The last known production figures of the mine are from 1847, in the year 4353 bushels of hard coal were produced.


The Haggenberg colliery was a small mine in Fröndenberg-Ardey-Strickherdicke, the owner of the small mine was Emil Deichmüller. The colliery went into operation on November 15, 1951 and was in operation until the beginning of 1953. First of all, a tunnel near Thabrauck was excavated. In the course of 1951, a barrel-length shaft with a depth of 61 meters was sunk . In the first year with 17 miners 46 tons of hard coal were mined, in the following year with 10 miners 856 tons of hard coal. On March 5, 1953, the Haggenberg colliery was shut down and from August of the same year it was reopened under the name Frohe Sicht colliery.

Happy view (Kleinzeche)

The small mine Froheansicht in Fröndenberg-Ardey-Frömern was popularly known as misery. Very little is reported about this small mine. First, the colliery started operations on August 1st of the same year as the successor to the Haggenberg colliery, which was closed on March 5, 1953. On October 13th, a longwall collapse occurred in which a miner was killed in an accident. On October 15, 1953, the mine was finally shut down. On October 2, 1961, the Längenfeld Happy View was deleted from the Mining Authority's records .


  • Joachim Huske : The coal mines in the Ruhr area. Data and facts from the beginning to 2005 (= publications from the German Mining Museum Bochum 144). 3rd revised and expanded edition. Self-published by the German Mining Museum, Bochum 2006, ISBN 3-937203-24-9 .

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