Philippe Zawieja

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Philippe Zawieja (born June 6, 1970 in Draveil ) is a French psychosociologist, author and researcher at Mines ParisTech .

His research focuses on burnout syndrome and other forms of exhaustion and fatigue , particularly in health care and Alzheimer's care.


Philippe Zawieja studied business administration at the Dijon Commercial School and at the University of Bayreuth , then health economics and management at the Paris Medical Faculty. In 2014 he received his PhD in Science and Technology of Risk Activities from Mines ParisTech. Philippe Zawieja also heads the research and development department of ORPEA, the European leader in the long-term care sector, and is the secretary of the ORPEA Science and Ethics Committee .

Scientific awards

Philippe Zawieja was awarded the Chevalier de l ' Ordre des Palmes Académiques in 2013 , one of the highest awards in France for services to the French education system.

In 2014 Zawieja received the Dr. René Joseph Laufer Prize for Social Health Care from the French Académie des sciences morales et politiques ( Academy of Moral and Political Sciences ), one of the five academies of the Institut de France.


See also

Individual evidence

  1. Entreprise & Carrières , February 18, 2014: 8
  2. Agoumi K. épuisement professionnel: combattre le burn out. L'Économiste , October 24, 2014.
  3. ^ Wierzbicki B. La terminologie concernant les RPS est un objet évolutif- Interview with Philippe Zawieja. Personnel . June 2014: 80-81.
  4. ^ Maillard C. Risques psychosociaux: le vécu subjectif du travailleur prime. Le Concours médical . April 2014; 136 (4): 314-317.
  5. Zawieja P (2012). Vous avez dit 'fatigue compassionnelle'? Mensuel des maisons de retraite . 151: 25-26.
  6. Paris-Sud Info 93: 12.
  7. ^ Nasi M. Les risques psychosociaux ont désormais leur Bible. Le Monde , January 21, 2015.