Physarella oblonga

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Physarella oblonga
2011-12-01 Physarella oblonga 212502.jpg

Physarella oblonga

without rank: Amoebozoa
without rank: Myxogastria
Order : Physarida
Family : Physaridae
Genre : Physarella
Type : Physarella oblonga
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Physarella oblonga
( Berk. & M. A Curtis ) Morgan

Physarella oblonga is a Schleimpilzart from the order of physarales and the only species of the genus Physarella . It is widespread around the world, but is only known in Europe through very isolated finds; the focus of its occurrence is the USA and the tropics.


The plasmodium is yellow or white. The sporocarps stand upright or nodding in groups, are mostly stalked and deeply drawn in at the apex or form plasmodiocarps . Stalked they sit on brown to reddish brown stems that are up to 3 millimeters high and up to 0.5 millimeters in diameter. They are hollow and longitudinally fibrous, wrinkled on the outside and have a few brownish granules of lime. They have a diameter of 0.6 to 1.5 millimeters and a total height of up to 4 millimeters. The hypothallus is brown to black-brown and its extent is limited to the immediate base of the stem.

The peridium is macroscopically gray, ocher to olive in color, colorless to light yellow in transmitted light and covered with whitish to yellow-brown calcareous scales. It opens in an irregular, lobed manner and bends towards the stem; the inner part remains permanently attached to the stem tip as a hollow, light yellowish-brown pseudocolumella .

On the one hand, the capillitium consists of thin, translucent and simply branched threads about 1 micrometer thick, which run through the entire sporocarp and have individual calcareous thickenings, as well as prickly-like elements of up to 200 micrometers long sticking to the interior of the peridium and protruding into the interior of the sporocarp wall and 50 micrometers wide. The 7 to 8, rarely up to 9 micrometers measuring spores are dark brown in mass, light brown in transmitted light, and fine-black on the surface with clear groups of darker warts.


Physarella oblonga has been found worldwide. But it was only found sporadically in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal). Other finds come from Ecuador, India, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Australia as well as the USA and the Caribbean. The USA and the tropics are considered to be the focus of their occurrence.

It is found on deadwood and fallen leaves, associated with Cribraria violacea .

Systematics and research history

The species was originally described as Trichamphora oblonga in 1873 . Since 1882 it has been in its own genus Physarella .


Footnotes directly behind a statement cover the individual statement, footnotes directly behind a punctuation mark the entire preceding sentence. Footnotes after a space refer to the entire preceding text.

  1. a b c d e f Hermann Neubert, Wolfgang Nowotny, Karlheinz Baumann, Heidi Marx: Die Myxomyceten Deutschlands and the neighboring Alpine region with special consideration of Austria. Vol. 2, Karlheinz Baumann Verlag, Gomaringen 2000, ISBN 3-929822-01-6 , pp. 223-224.

Web links

Commons : Physarella oblonga  - collection of images, videos and audio files