Pierre Vilar

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Pierre Vilar (2000; right)
Memorial plaque on the house where he was born in Frontignan

Pierre Vilar (born May 3, 1906 in Frontignan , † August 7, 2003 in Saint-Palais (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) ) was a French modern historian who was particularly concerned with the history of Spain and especially Catalonia. In France he was considered the leading scholar of the history of Spain in modern times and that of Catalonia.

Vilar received his doctorate from the Sorbonne and taught there from 1965 as a professor and at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He was a student of Ernest Labrousse and was originally a geographer. As such he was a student of Albert Demangeon and Max Sorre (Maximilien Sorre, 1880–1962). In 1927 he traveled to Catalonia to write a monograph on the Catalan Pyrenees . The next time he was in Spain in 1930 on a scholarship from the Casa de Velázquez , he accompanied the historian Maurice Legendre (1878–1955), who was politically completely different, but through which he gained access to Spanish intellectual circles. From 1934 to 1957 he taught at the French school in Barcelona, ​​with the exception of the Spanish Civil War and World War II. In 1962 he received his doctorate with a dissertation on Catalonia and modern Spain. His short History of Spain appeared as early as 1947, which was banned in Spain under Franco , but was widely read and a bestseller. Most recently he lived in the French Basque Country.

He dealt with the history of Spain, including economic and social history. Vilar was a representative of Marxist history and was close to the Annales School .

He received honorary doctorates from the Universities of Barcelona (1979) and Valencia (1991), the Gran Cruz de la Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio and the Medalla de Oro de la Generalidad de Cataluña . He was connected to his Occitan homeland and created an Occitan-Spanish friendship society.

He was a member of the Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona and a member of the Instituto de Estudios Catalanes since 1958 .


  • Histoire de l'Espagne , 22nd edition 2009 (first 1947)
    • German edition: Spain: the country and its history from the beginning to the present , Wagenbach 1998
  • Le déclin catalan du bas Moyen Âge. Hypothèses sur sa chronologie, 1959
  • Cataluña en la España moderna , 1962
    • French edition: La Catalogne dans l'Espagne moderne. Recherches sur les fondements économiques des structures nationales 1962
  • Crecimiento y desarrollo 1965
  • L'Or et la Monnaie dans l'histoire (1450-1920), 1969
    • German edition: Gold and money in history. From the end of the Middle Ages to the present , Beck, Munich 1984
  • Assaigs sobre la Catalunya del sail XVIII , 1975
  • Historia marxista, historia en construcción , 1975
  • Introducción al vocabulario del análisis histórico , 1980
  • La guerre d'Espagne , 1986
    • German edition: The Spanish Civil War 1936–1939 , Wagenbach, 5th edition 2012
  • as editor: Història de Catalunya , 8 volumes, 1987 to 1990
  • Pensar històricament. Reflexions i records , 1995 (autobiography in Catalan)
  • with Joseba Intxausti: Historia, nación y nacionalismo: cuestión nacional y movimiento obrero , 1998

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