Pierre Wuilleumier

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Pierre Wuilleumier (born January 1, 1904 in Paris , † November 20, 1979 ibid) was a French classical philologist , ancient historian and archaeologist .


Pierre Wuilleumier studied Classical Philology and Classical Studies at the École normal supérieure . After receiving his doctorate, he deepened his studies from 1926 to 1929 at the École française de Rome . From 1930 he taught as a lecturer at the University of Lyon . In 1940, together with Amable Audin , he directed the excavation of the ancient theater in the Fourvière district (Lyon). In 1947 he directed the excavation of the alleged Cybele sanctuary in Lyon. In 1950 he was appointed Professor of Latin Literature and Language. In 1952 he moved to the Sorbonne in Paris.

Wuilleumier worked as both a philologist and an archaeologist. He published annotated, bilingual text editions (Latin-French) on Cicero and Tacitus and dealt with the history and the ancient monuments of Gaul, especially the Lyon region, for which he was responsible as archaeological expert from 1941 to 1954. His special research focus was the religious history of ancient Gaul. He wrote monographs, essays, reviews and lexicon articles, among others for Paulys Realenzyklopädie der classical antiquity (RE) and the Little Pauly (KlP).

Wuilleumier was a member of the Société historique, archéologique et littéraire de Lyon (from 1934) and a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute .

Fonts (selection)

  • Le trésor de Tarente (Edmond de Rothschild Collection) . Paris 1930
  • Tarents. Des origines à la conquête romaine . Paris 1939
  • Ciceron. Caton l'Ancien (de la vieillesse) . Paris 1940. 2nd edition 1960
  • with Jean Déniau, Jules Formigé, E.-L. Albrand: Le cloître de Saint-André-le-Bas à Vienne . Lyon 1947
  • Lyon. Metropolis of Gaules . Paris 1953
  • Inscriptions Latines des trois Gaules . Paris 1963 ( Gallia . Supplement 17)
  • Tacite, Annales . Four volumes, Paris 1974–1978
  • with Henri Le Bonniec and Joseph Hellegouarc'h: Tacite, Histoires . Three volumes, Paris 1987–1992


  • Pierre Grimal : Pierre Wuilleumier (1904–1979) . In: Revue des Études Latines . Vol. 57 (1979), pp. 29-31
  • Henri Le Bonniec, Georges Vallet (ed.): Mélanges de littérature et d'épigraphie latines, d'histoire ancienne et d'archéologie. Homage à la mémoire de Pierre Wuilleumier . Paris 1980
  • Paul-Marie Duval : Pierre Wuilleumier (1904–1979) . In: Gallia . Volume 38 (1980), p. 239
  • Fernand Robert: Pierre Wuilleumier (1904–1979) . In: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé . Born 1980, Volume 1, pp. 2-4