Petrus Hermanus Schrijvers

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Petrus Hermanus Schrijvers , formally PH Schrijvers , also Pieter Herman Schrijvers or briefly Piet Schrijvers (born October 28, 1939 in Amsterdam ) is a Dutch classical philologist specializing in Latin studies .


After attending Ignatius College in Amsterdam, Schrijvers studied Classical Philology at the University of Amsterdam and Latin Language and Literature at the University of Paris IV Sorbonne . In 1970 he received his doctorate with Anton Daniël Leeman (1921-2010) with a dissertation on the poet Lucretius . In 1977 he was appointed Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Groningen , in 1980 he moved to the University of Leiden in the same position ; In 2001 he retired there. Since then he has been working as a literary translator of Latin literature. Schrijvers is also a member of the editorial board of the journal Mnemosyne and the publication series of the Mnemosyne Supplementa .

In 1986 he was accepted into the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen .

Research priorities

Schrijvers mainly works on Latin poetry (Lucretius, Virgil , Horace and Lucan ) and on the stoic philosophy of Seneca and its history of reception (such as Horace in Willem Bilderdijk or Seneca philosophus in the diaries of Etty Hillesum ) as well as on ancient medicine and natural science. Since his Greek teacher at Ignatius College, AM Bent, was a student of David Cohen , chairman of the Jewish council of Amsterdam and professor of ancient history at the University of Amsterdam , and Cohen, like Schrijvers, had a fondness for Horace, Schrijvers came along, one To write a biography in the field of the history of antiquity. Another work in this direction is dedicated to Petrus Burmannus Secundus .

In the Netherlands, Schrijvers has made a name for himself as a translator of Latin literature in recent years. The translated works include Justus Lipsius ' De constantia in publicis malis , Virgil's Aeneis and Georgica , the complete works of Horace, the didactic poem De rerum natura by Lucretius and three tragedies by Seneca ( Medea , Phaedra , Troerinnen ).


Schrijvers has received various awards for his translation work. In 2007 he was awarded the Oikos publieksprijs . In 2011 he received the Martinus Nijhoff Prijs , the most important Dutch award for literary translation, for his translation of the didactic poem De rerum natura des Lucretius.

Fonts (selection)


  • Horror ac divina voluptas. Études sur la poétique et la poésie de Lucrèce. Hakkert, Amsterdam 1970 (= Proefschrift University of Amsterdam). - Review of: EJ Kenney , in: The Classical Review  22 1972, pp. 348-351. - The title refers to book 3, 28–29: his ibi me rebus quaedam divina voluptas / percipit atque horror.
  • An ancient medical explanation of male homosexuality (Caelius Aurelianus De morbis chronicis IV 9). BR Grüner Verlag, Amsterdam 1985, (online) .
  • Crise poétique et poésie de crise. La réception de Lucain aux XIXe et XXe siècles, suivi d'une interprétation de la scene “César à Troie” (La Pharsale, 9.950–999). Amsterdam 1990 (Mededeelingen of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, NR, D1 53, 1). - Review by JH Brouwers, in: Mnemosyne 49 1996, pp. 356-358, (online) .
  • Rome, Athena, Jeruzalem. Leven in work of prof. dr. David Cohen. Historische uitgeverij, Groningen 2000. - Review by: JCH Blom, in: BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review 116/2 2001, pp. 198–203, (online) (PDF).


  • Het song of Iopas. Connections of literatuur en natuurwetenschap in het Latijn . Inaugural speech given on the occasion of taking over the professorship for Latin language and literature at the University of Groningen. Bouma's Boekhuis, Groningen 1978. Reprinted in: De mens als toeschouwer , pp. 9-27.
  • Buiten de perken. Horatius' poetry en Bilderdijks "De kunst der poëzy" . Speech given on the occasion of the takeover of the professorship for Latin language and literature at the University of Leiden. 1980.
  • Sunt Lacrimae Rerum. Een bijdrage tot de divorceis of tears . Farewell speech given on retirement from his professorship for Latin language and literature at the University of Leiden. 2001, (online) (PDF).

Collections of essays

  • De mens as toeschouwer. Essays on Romeinse literatuur en Westeuropese traditie. Ambo, Baarn; Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep, Amsterdam 1986. - (In it pp. 190–208: Een filosoof in bezettingstijd. Over Seneca's brieven en het dagboek van Etty Hillesum .)
  • Horatius. Poet en moralist . Ambo, Baarn 1995. - Reprint of Schrijvers' essays on Horace.
  • Lucrèce et les sciences de la vie . Brill, Leiden 1999 (Mnemosyne. Supplementum, Vol. 186), (online) . - Reprint of eleven essays on Lucretius' poem De rerum natura from 1974 to 1997.
  • Ik kan de muzen not haten. Over poëtische geestdrift en stoïcijnse standvastigheid. Historische Uitgeverij, Groningen 2004. - (contains a selection of essays from the last twenty years on Latin poetry and philosophy, namely Seneca)


  • Le regard sur l'invisible. Étude sur l'emploi de l'analogie dans l'oeuvre de Lucrèce. In: Lucrèce. Huit exposés suivis de discussions. Entretiens péparés et présidés par Olof Gigon . Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres / Geneva 1978 (Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique, Tome XXIV), p. 77ff. (online) .
    • English version: Seeing the invisible. A study of Lucretius' use of analogy in De rerum natura. In: Monica Gale (Ed.): Oxford Readings in Classical Studies: Lucretius. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007, pp. 255-288, (online) .
  • Amicus liber et dulcis. Horace moraliste. In: Horace. L'oeuvre et les imitations. Un siècle d'interprétations. New exposés suivis de discussions. Entretiens péparés et présidés par Walther Ludwig. Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres / Geneva 1993 (Entretiens sur l'Antiquité Classique, Tome XXXIX), pp. 41–90. Discussion pp. 91–93, (online) .
  • Petrus Burmannus Secundus (1713–1778). Latinist, empty and dense. In: EOG Haitsma Mulier et al. (Ed.): Athenaeum Illustre. Eleven studies over de Amsterdamse Doorluchtige School, 1632–1877 . Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 1997, pp. 137-171.


  • with Philip J. van der Eijk and HFJ Horstmanshoff (eds.): Ancient Medicine in Its Socio-Cultural Context. Papers read at the Congress Held at Leiden University 13–15 April 1992. Amsterdam 1995. - Review by Rebecca Flemming, in: Medical History 40 1996, pp. 385–386, PMC 1037137 (free full text)

Translations into Dutch

  • Justus Lipsius, Over standvastigheid bij algemene rampspoed. Vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien by PH Schrijvers. Ambo, Haam 1983.
  • Vergilius, Aeneid. Uitgegeven, vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door Piet Schrijvers. Historical Uitgeverij, Groningen 1996.
  • Horatius, Verzamelde poems. Bilingual edition. Historic Uitgeverij, Groningen 2003. - (Parts of it had previously been published separately: the Ars Poetica 1980, the lyric poems 1993, the Epoden 2000)
  • Vergilius, Georgica - Landleven. Vertaald, ingeleid, en van aantekeningen voorzien door Piet Schrijvers. Historical Uitgeverij, Groningen 2004.
  • Lucretius, De Natuur van de Dingen. Uitgegeven, vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door Piet Schrijvers. Historical Uitgeverij, Groningen 2008.
  • Seneca, Medea, Phaedra, Trojaanse vrouwen. Vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien by Piet Schrijvers. Historical Uitgeverij, Groningen 2013.

Web links