Pieter Valckenier

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Pieter Valckenier

Pieter Valckenier (born February 25, 1641 in Emmerich , † July 15, 1712 in The Hague ) was a Dutch lawyer, politician and diplomat.

Live and act

Pieter Valckenier was born as the son of his father of the same name, city retainer, and Ida Remschet. In 1670 he married Charlotte Becx. He was a lawyer in Amsterdam . From 1676 to 1683 he was the Dutch envoy in Frankfurt , from 1683 to 1690 in Regensburg and from 1690 to 1704 in Zurich .

In Frankfurt he campaigned against French influences and interests. There he wrote his main work, The Confused Europe , in which he dealt with the Franco-Dutch relationship from 1664 to 1677. The secretary Andreas Müller continued his work and published two volumes in 1680 and 1683.

In the Confederation , as Switzerland was called at the time, he succeeded in softening the French monopoly on military recruitment, so that the Netherlands could conclude surrender treaties with the three leagues , Zurich and Bern from 1693 . Between 1698 and 1699 Valckenier tried to take in around 3,000 expelled Savoy Waldensians and Swiss Anabaptists in Hesse and Württemberg .


  • Memorials so the Dutch Mr. Envoyé Valkenier handed over to the entire assembly of a laudable Eydgnoszschetzt in Baden on July 26th 1702 , o.O. 1702.
  • The interest of an entire laudable Confederation in the present conjunctures , around 1697
  • The 13th complaint about the French contraventiones of the Confederation with the Confederation , 1691
  • The exposed Schweitzer-Landt (published anonymously), o. O. 1680. Digitized
  • t Verwerd Europa ( The Confused Europe ), 1675 or 1677
  • The high-noble, stern gentleman Peter Valkenier's [...] address to the Dreyzehen, as well as the community of the Lobl [ichen] Eydgnossschaft, gathered in Baden, was done Oct. 31-10. Nov. A. 1670 , undated, undated


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rolf Felbinger: Source autopsy "Pieter Valckenier (1677)" , in: Europabegriffe und Europvorstellungen in the 17th century . Web project, Wolfgang Schmale (Dir.).
  2. Eberhard Gresch: The Huguenots. History, Belief and Impact. 4th, revised edition. Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig 2009, ISBN 978-3-374-02260-1 , p. 118
  3. Two and Twenty Memorable Articles by Mr. Valkenier (1703), Burgerbibliothek Bern , Mss.hhVII.94 (34)
  4. ^ Correspondence from Peter Valkenier (1641–1712) to Heinrich Escher (1626–1710) , Burgerbibliothek Bern, Mss.Mül.314.2 (57)
  5. Tractact Peter Valkeniers on a defensive alliance between Switzerland and the Allies against France, including a preface and a postscript ( undated ), Bern Burger Library, Mss.hhXI.17 (18)