Pieter van der Stock

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Pieter van der Stock (* 1593 in Amsterdam ; † around 1660 there ), actually Pieter Willemsz van der Stock , was a Dutch painter.

Until recently, Pieter van der Stock, published by Abraham Bredius in 1917, was considered an artist without works, but who was listed as the successor to Dirck van Delen . According to the sources listed by Bredius, he was also active in other professions, so it is documented, among other things, that he joined the Guild of Amsterdam Stonemasons in 1617 , to which he still belonged in 1638 . Bredius also cites documents that show that van der Stock was a painter of landscape and perspective pictures. In 1651 he obviously got into acute financial difficulties, which is why a still preserved inventory of his property was drawn up. This included several paintings with church interiors. Only a few years ago, the Dutch art historian Willem van de Watering succeeded in identifying a "Interior with Lady" signed with the initials PW as a work by Pieter van der Stock. This is of exceptionally high quality and shows that he is an extraordinarily talented painter who, in addition to Dirck van Delen, also reminds of Bartholomeus van Bassen . Due to the discovery of Willem van de Watering, van der Stock could be assigned three more pictures within a very short time. In this series there is perhaps another picture that was created in Monaco in 1993 as a joint work by Dirck van Delen and Hendrick van Steenwyck the Elder. J. was auctioned. Since such a collaboration between two masters specializing in architecture and interior would be quite unusual and a picture with a similar description is mentioned in van der Stock's inventory, this picture is also attributed to him by some researchers.

Previously known works

  • Tübingen, Christoph Müller Collection
    • Stately interior with trick track players.
  • Unknown possession
    • Elegant interior with a lady. (1996 Salomon Lilian Gallery, Amsterdam)
    • Carnival figures cheer up an elegant company in a nightly candle-lit interior. (auctioned on March 13, 1987 at Christie's in London as Dirck van Delen)
    • Palace interior. (auctioned on December 10, 1993 at Christie's in London)
    • Interior with two gentlemen. (attributed - auctioned on June 23, 1993 at Sotheby's in Monaco)


  • The visible world: Dutch pictures of the 16th and 17th centuries; Collection Christoph Müller, Tübingen . Ed .: Ulmer Museum. Brigitte Reinhardt. ISBN 3-8030-4015-9 .