Pietro Capocci

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Pietro Capocci (* around 1200; † between May 19 and 21, 1259 ) was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church in the 13th century. He came from the Roman noble family Capocci .

On May 28, 1244 Capocci was elevated to cardinal by Pope Innocent IV with the titular church of San Giorgio in Velabro . At the Council of Lyon on March 15, 1247, he was appointed papal legate for Germany and was given the task of persuading bishops loyal to the Convent to change sides. Together with the Archbishops of Mainz and Cologne, on October 3, 1247 in Worringen, he pushed for the election of Count Wilhelm of Holland as king as a counter-pretender to the Staufer Konrad IV.

In April 1249 Capocci was appointed papal rector for the Patrimonium of Petri , the Duchy of Spoleto and the Mark Ancona , as well as a legate for the Kingdom of Sicily with the aim of strengthening the distressed papal position there vis-à-vis Emperor Frederick II To wage war against him in Sicily. In November 1249 he succeeded in persuading Civitanova to transfer to the papal camp, which only a few weeks later went back to the emperor. On August 20, 1250, Capocci’s troops suffered a heavy defeat at Cingoli against an imperial army, whereupon several cities in the duchy and the march went over to the emperor's side. The dwindling position of the Pope in Italy could only be saved by the death of the emperor in December 1250.

Pietro Capocci died between May 19 and 21, 1259 and was buried in the Santa Barbara Chapel, which he built in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome . In addition to the basilica, he had ordered the construction of the Sant 'Andrea de Piscinula hospital in his will , which Clement IV was only able to hand over to its destination in 1265 .

While still alive, Pope Alexander IV ordered the construction of the church of Santa Maria in Via in 1256 , which was built on the site of Capocci's domicile in Rome after he witnessed a miracle there. From a foundation of his will, a hospital for people suffering from the Antonius fire was built at the church of Sant'Antonio Abate all'Esquilino from 1266 . The families named in the will also included Albert Behaim , Eberhard von Waldburg , bishop of Constance since 1248, and the later bishops of Strasbourg, Walter von Geroldseck and Konrad von Lichtenberg .


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